Delphinium stocksianum var. glabrescens Boiss.
Plant 20-70 cm high, branched below, strigulose or with more spreading hairs above. Lower leaves with long petioles, tripartite into narrowly lobed segments, lobes oblong-linear, ± obtuse, intermediate leaves with shorter petioles or sessile, segments entire, linear-spathulate, canaliculate, tips of lobes mucronate, recurved. Flowers creamy-white, in a long lax raceme. Pedicels upto 6 mm long, with 2 minute bracteoles near the base. Sepals with violet median stripes, 7-11 mm long, lateral ones pubescent only along the midrib, spur vertical, 1.6-2.6 mm long, 4 mm wide at the base, slightly curved, gradually tapering towards the apex. Petal 3-lobed, c. 8 mm high, c. 11 mm wide, middle lobe with 2 rounded terminal lobules, lateral lobes spreading, spur 16-18 mm. Follicles cinereous, strigose, erect, shortly cylindrical, subarcuate, 8-10 mm long, 2.7 mm wide. Style about 3 mm, slender. Seeds subtriangular, regularly rugose.
Fl. Per.: April-May.
Type: Fields in Baluchistan, Stocks (K, G).
D-4 Baluchistan: Isplinji, A.K. Khan 10 (RAW).
Distribution: Turkmenistan, Pamir-Alai, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan.
Resembling Consolida rugulosa (Boiss.) Schroed., but differing in the bracteoles which are situated at the base of the pedicels (not towards the top), and smaller follicles.