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Pakistan | Family List | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculus

13. Ranunculus pangiensis Watt in J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 18:377. pl. 9, B. fig. 3-9. 1881. Stewart, Ann. Catalogue Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 275. 1972: Qureshi & Chaudhri, l.c. 162 (Fig. 27, F-H).


Naturhistorisches Museum, Botanische Abteilung, Wien, Austria.


National Herbarium, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Ranunculus pangiensis

Credit: S. Hameed

Perennial, with short cylindrical and long fibrous roots. Stems (30-) 60–90 cm high, with a few long, patent hairs or glabrescent, ± flaccid, branched, arising from a creeping rootstock. Basal and lowermost stem-leaves with petioles 3 cm (-7-15 according to Watt, probably with petioles included), ternate, primary segments pinnatifid to bi-pinnatifid, lobes of ultimate order oblong, obtuse, up to 2 mm wide, papery when dry, tapering towards base, sometimes petiolulate, ovate. Upper stem-leaves sessile, tripartite, rarely simple, segments entire or pinnate. Peduncle long, densely strigulose. Flowers yellow, 18 (-25) mm in diameter, yellow. Sepals up to 10 mm long, oblong-ovate, patent, densely hairy. Petals obovate-rotundate. Receptacle elongated at maturity, glabrous. Achenes 1.5-2 mm, ovate, glabrous, forming a broadly ovoid head. Style flat, recurved.

Fl. Per.: July-August.

Type: Pangi, 8000 ft., Watt (Iso.-KI).

Chitral: B-6 Bombrait Gol, Stainton 2240 (RAW), Kashmir: B-8 Rattu-Gurikot, Schmid 1766 (RAW).

Distribution: Endemic in the W. Himalaya.

Watt (l.c.) describes the plant as creeping. The stem from the isotype at Kew is erect to ascendent, only the rootstalk is creeping. The leaves are much smaller in the specimen examined than Watt’s measurements (3-6 pollices). The flowers are slightly smaller. The sepals are erect according to Watt’s figure (but in his description he calls them recurva).


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