Anacolia Schimper, Syn. Musc. ed. 2. 513. 1876.
[conserved name]
[Greek ana, short, Latin col, neck]
D. Griffin, III
Plants small to moderately robust, yellowish green to green above and reddish brown below, occasionally vinaceous, in dense to loose tufts. Stems 1--5 cm, erect to ascending, simple or fastigiate, octagonal in cross section, with prorulose epidermis, usually densely reddish radiculose proximally with felt-like rhizoids. Leaves imbricate, appressed when dry, not sheathing, erect to spreading or recurved when moist, mostly narrowly lanceolate from an ovate base, sometimes broader or narrower above; margins revolute in distal half, occasionally almost to base, 1--3-stratose (sometimes 3--4-stratose at margins), singly or doubly serrate; costa stout, percurrent to long-excurrent; cells variable, mostly oblong to linear or quadrate, thick-walled, strongly prorulose to nearly smooth, basal cells usually shorter and broader, sometimes linear near costa. Specialized asexual reproduction not known. Sexual condition dioicous, perigonia and perichaetia terminal, appearing lateral by innovations, perichaetial leaves scarcely distinct. Seta solitary, short, to 2--12 mm, straight or somewhat curved, smooth. Capsule erect to inclined, globose to ovoid or short-cylindric, leptodermous, irregularly wrinkled when dry, neck lacking or very short, mouth small, annulus lacking or scarcely developed; operculum low-convex to conic-obtuse; peristome none or of a low membrane or of 16 short, fragile teeth, usually falling early, endostome rare, very faint. Spores globose to reniform, warty or coarsely papillose.
Species 4 (2 in the flora): North America, South America; Europe, Asia, Africa.
Anacolia is recognized by its imbricate, appressed leaves, which are borne on prorulose stems that are felty tomentose below. When fertile, the usually erect, irregularly wrinkled capsules are distinctive. Within the flora area, Anacolia is confined to western North America.
Flowers, S. 1952. Monograph of the genus Anacolia. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 79: 161--185.
Flowers, S. 1935. Anacolia. In: A. J. Grout, ed., Moss Flora of North America. 2(3): 154-156. Newfane, Vermont.
Flowers, S. 1973. Mosses: Utah and the West. Brigham Young Univ. Press. Provo.
Griffin, D. III. 1994. Anacolia. In: A.J. Sharp, H. Crum and P.M. Eckel, eds. 1994. The Moss Flora of Mexico, Part 1. Sphagnales to Bryales. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69: 571--573. Bronx.
Holzinger, J. M. 1904. The genus Anacolia in North America. Bryologist 7: 28--29.