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BFNA | Family List | BFNA Vol. 3 | Sphaerocarpaceae | Sphaerocarpos

Sphaerocarpos cristatus M. A. Howe, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club. 7: 66. 1899.

Archegonial plants 2.5--8.5 mm in diameter; lobes nearly orbicular. Involucres 0.8--1.3 mm, densely aggregated, nearly obscuring the thallus, cylindrical to obovoid, rounded to the apex. Antheridial plants to 2 mm long, cuneate, often bifurcate. lobes ovate to oblong, involucres 500--585 µm high, bottle-shaped, expanded at the base and abruptly narrowed and becoming tubular toward the apex. Sporangia 500 µm or more. Spores of tetrads separating before maturity, yellowish to yellowish-brown, 48--83 µm in diameter, somewhat aerolate, mostly cristate, appearing to radiate from near the middle, lacking medial tubercle, ridges sinuous to slightly crenulate, 3.8--7 µm high, appearing to radiate from the central part of the face, slightly anastomosing, with 1--6 aerolae across the face.

On soil; low elevations; Calif.

Rare, known only from California in Alameda, Tulare, San Joaquin, and Santa Clara counties.


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