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Adenostemma J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.


Adenostemma lavenia

Credit: HAST

Perennial, erect herbs; stems leafy. Leaves opposite, often petiolate, usually serrate. Heads small, in loose corymbs, pedunculate. Involucres subglobose, bracts herbaceous, in 2 series, equal, free of connate at base. Receptacles flat, alveolate, homogamous. Florets tubular, bisexual, fertile, corollas 4- or 5-toothed. Anthers obtuse at apex, base obtuse to subtruncate. Styles long-exserted, arms elongate, flat, obtuse. Achenes obtusely 3-angled, glandular dotted or tuberculate, rounded at apex. Pappus of 3 or 4 clavate gland-tipped bristles.

About 24 species in Central and South America and Australia to tropical and temperate Asia; one species represented by two varieties in Taiwan.


1 Corolla 1.5-2 mm long; style branches long exserted.   var. lavenia
+ Corolla ca. 1 mm long; style branches hardly exserted.   var. parviflorum

Lower Taxa

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