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Microglossa DC.


SOEJIMA, Akiko & PENG, Ching-I

Microglossa pyrifolia

Credit: HAST

Slender subshrubs or tall herbs, sometimes climbing. Leaves alternate, petiolate, ovate or lanceolate, entire or obscurely toothed. Heads heterogamous, small, in dense corymbs or panicles, short radiate. Involucre campanulate, bracts numerous, in many series, imbricate, membranaceous. Outer florets pistillate, in one to several rows, corolla minutely ligulate, white, style arms filiform. Central florets many or few, bisexual or rarely functionally staminate, corolla tubular. Receptacle more or less flat, naked. Achenes cylindric or oblong-obovoid. Pappus of many scabrid bristles.

About 10 species, tropical Africa and Asia; one species in Taiwan.

Lower Taxon

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