Anaphalis royleana DC., Prodr. 6: 272. 1838; Kitamura, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 23: 10. 1968.
Anaphalis transnokoensis Sasaki
Stems simple, not branched, erect, 10-25 cm tall, densely grayish tomentose, leafy apically. Cauline leaves thin, erect, oblong, 3-4×0.9-1.2 cm, apex shortly acute, base sessile, short decurrent, margins entire, grayish woolly tomentose on both surfaces, upper surface green, lower surface pale, upper leaves smaller. Inflorescence densely corymbose. Heads heterogamous; involucre hemispheric, 5×9 mm, involucral bracts 5-series, middle bracts brownish near base; outer florets numerous, 2.5 mm long; pappus bristles slender, scabrid, whitish, caducous.
CHIAYI: Paiyunshanchuang to Yushan, Leu 222. NANTOU: Hohuashan, Ying s. n. 1990. HUALIEN: Chilaishan, Lai s. n. 1998.
The Himalayas from Kunawar to Sikkim and Tibet. Taiwan, in alpine meadows, rare.
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