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Anaphalis DC.


Anaphalis morrisonicola

Credit: HAST

Perennial erect herbs, whitish woolly or tomentose, often stoloniferous, dioecious or polygamo-dioecious. Leaves alternate, entire, linear to lanceolate or oblong, often decurrent. Heads small, inflat-topped corymbs. Involucre oblong to campanulate, bracts scarious, imbricated in 5-8 series, often whitish, outer bracter shorter, outermost woolly. Receptacles mostly convex, not paleaceous. Corolla of outer florets with filiform, 2- to 4-dentate, style undivided, anthers sagittate at base. Corolla of central florets tubular, 5-toothed, functional staminate; style bifid. Achenes very small, oblong. Pappus bristles 1 series, slender, scabrid, free, caducous.

About 110 species mainly in Asia, a few in North America; about four species in Taiwan.


1 Heads14-17 mm across, 1 cm long; leaves usually shorter than head.   Anaphalis nepalensis
+ Heads 4-10 mm across, 0.4-0.6 cm long; leaves longer than head.   (2)
2 (1) Leaves distinctly decurrent.   Anaphalis royleana
+ Leaves not distinctly decurrent.   (3)
3 (2) Heads 3-5, at apex of stems; leaves oblong-obovate.   Anaphalis horaimontana
+ Heads many, in corymbs; leaves linear or narrowly oblong.   Anaphalis morrisonicola

Lower Taxa

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