Annual or biennial, more or less cobwebby when young, soon glabrate; stems branched apically and often also toward base, 10-60 cm tall. Leaves slightly fleshy, pinnately cleft to undulate, irregularly toothed, 3-5×1.5-2 cm; lower leaves petiolate, median and upper leaves sessile, semi clasping. Heads narrowly cylindric, discoid, few to many in dense terminal corymbs; involucre 8-10 mm long, calyculate, basal bracteoles very small, lanceolate, 2-3 mm long, blackish at tip; involucral bracts narrowly linear, glabrous, acute, black tipped. Florets yellow, all tubular, corolla 5-6 mm long, tube 3-4 mm long, limb infundibuliform; lobes ovate, 0.3 mm long, obtuse. Achenes terete, appressed pubescent, 1.5-2.5 mm long. Pappus 6-7 mm long, white.
TAICHUNG: Wuling Farm, Peng 8002; Lishan, Peng 6258. NANTOU: Meifeng, Chen 481. HUALIEN: Errtzeshan, Peng 5878; Tayuling, Peng 12416.
Throughout temperate Eurasia and North Africa; widely adventive elsewhere. Taiwan, around villages, 2,000-2,500 m.