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Nepal Checklist | Family List | Moraceae | Ficus

Ficus sarmentosa Buch.-Ham. ex Sm., ; in Rees, Cyclop. 14: Ficus n. 45 (1810).

बे?लेf Berulo

  • Ficus foveolata Wall. ex Miq.
  • Ficus luducca Wall. ex Roxb.

    West: Shrestha 5200; Dobremez 2749; PSW 5182. Cent.: Wall. 4493 (type of F. foveolata); Gardener 1445; Nicolson 2419. East: TI 6301962.

    1400-2500 m; Himalaya (Nepal to NEFA), Burma, India, S. Tibet, China, Taiwan, Indo-China, Malaya, Japan.


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