3. Anisodus Link in Sprengel, Syst. Veg. 1: 699. 1825.
山茛菪属 shan lang dang shu
Whitleya Sweet.
Subshrubs or perennial herbs, glabrous or pubescent with simple and dendritic hairs. Roots stout, fleshy. Stems erect, obtusely angular, di- or trichotomously branched. Leaves solitary or paired, petiolate, simple, entire or coarsely dentate. Inflorescences solitary flowers in leaf axils. Flowers mostly nodding, somewhat actinomorphic or calyx 2-lipped. Calyx mostly funnelform, evidently 10-veined, 4- or 5-lobed; lobes unequal, variable in shape and length. Corolla campanulate, lobes quincuncial, included or exserted from calyx. Stamens shorter than corolla, inserted near base of corolla tube; filaments usually glabrous at base; anthers dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary conical, 2-locular, with a disclike nectary. Fruiting pedicel thickened or elongated. Fruiting calyx becoming enlarged, turbinate or campanulate, sometimes elongated beyond fruit, with main veins prominent and pleated. Fruit a globose or ovoid capsule, circumscissile above middle or dehiscent at apex. Seeds numerous, compressed.
Four species: China, Bhutan, India, Nepal; all four in China.
1 |
Calyx pubescent, with wavy veins; plant pubescent overall, especially on abaxial surface of leaf blade |
1 Anisodus luridus |
+ |
Calyx glabrescent, with straight veins; plant usually glabrescent. |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Calyx strongly 2-lipped, upper lip with short, truncate teeth, veins obscure; corolla indistinctly lobed |
3 Anisodus carniolicoides |
+ |
Calyx not 2-lipped, with somewhat unequal lobes, veins prominent; corolla distinctly lobed. |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Leaves ovate or elliptic, mostly entire; calyx lobes narrowly deltate, 2 or 3 of them much longer; fruiting calyx less than 4.5 cm; fruit nodding |
2 Anisodus acutangulus |
+ |
Leaves broadly lanceolate, oblong, or narrowly ovate, ragged-dentate; calyx lobes broadly deltate, 1 or 2 of them longer; fruiting calyx more than 5 cm; fruit erect |
4 Anisodus tanguticus |
Lower Taxa
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