1 |
Nut scar convex (± concave or impressed at margin but conspicuously convex at center in L. cinereus. L. crassifolius. L. handelianus. L. laetus. L. pachyphyllus, and L. variolosus). |
(2) |
+ |
Nut scar concave (margin concave or impressed but center ± convex in L. carolineae. L. cyrtocarpus. L. echinophorus. L. grandifolius. L. gymnocarpus. L. konishii, and L. quercifolius). |
(45) |
2 (1) |
Cupules mostly completely enclosing nut. |
(3) |
+ |
Cupules mostly not completely enclosing nut. |
(21) |
3 (2) |
Scar covering less than 3/4 of nut. |
(4) |
+ |
Scar covering more than 3/4 of nut. |
(9) |
4 (3) |
Cupule bracts triangular, inconspicuous, fused with cupule and often apically in 2-4 rings. |
(5) |
+ |
Cupule bracts triangular but subulate from middle to apex of cupule, conspicuous, obliquely spreading. |
(6) |
5 (4) |
Scar covering 1/2-3/4 of nut; leaf blade apex falcate; petiole 1.5-2 cm |
14 Lithocarpus damiaoshanicus |
+ |
Scar covering ca. 1/4 of nut; leaf blade apex not falcate; petiole less than 1 cm |
15 Lithocarpus irwinii |
6 (4) |
Leaf blade secondary veins 8-12 on each side of midvein; young shoots and petioles with tawny to grayish waxy scalelike trichomes |
19 Lithocarpus craibianus |
+ |
Leaf blade secondary veins more than 12 on each side of midvein; young shoots and leaf blades at least abaxial midvein hairy. |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Petiole rarely longer than 1 cm; leaf blade on fruiting branches 9-20 cm wide, secondary veins 21-26 on each side of midvein |
18 Lithocarpus tephrocarpus |
+ |
Petiole 2-3 cm; leaf blade on fruiting branches 4-9 cm wide, secondary veins 12-19 on each side of midvein. |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Bracts of young cupules subulate, 4-angled; styles with short hairs |
16 Lithocarpus handelianus |
+ |
Bracts of young cupules linear, subterete; styles glabrous |
17 Lithocarpus amoenus |
9 (3) |
Cupules solitary along rachis |
13 Lithocarpus fenzelianus |
+ |
Cupules in clusters of 3-5 or more, often clusters scattered along rachis. |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Cupules entirely covered by bracts. |
(11) |
+ |
Cupules sparsely covered by bracts. |
(14) |
11 (10) |
Cupule bracts spiny; cupules 7-9 cm in diam., including bracts; leaf blade 25-40 cm |
1 Lithocarpus xizangensis |
+ |
Cupule bracts not spiny; cupules less than 5 cm in diam.; leaf blade rarely to 30 cm. |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Cupule bracts straight, multiangular in cross section; wall of nut ca. 4 mm thick |
2 Lithocarpus jenkinsii |
+ |
Cupule bracts curved, ± round in cross section; wall of nut 2-3 mm thick. |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Cupules subglobose; cupule bracts 2-3 mm; nut subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, scar covering 4/5-5/6 of nut |
3 Lithocarpus xylocarpus |
+ |
Cupules globose; cupule bracts ca. 10 mm; nut turbinate, scar covering ca. 2/3 of nut |
4 Lithocarpus pseudoxizangensis |
14 (10) |
Cupule bracts clawlike |
5 Lithocarpus howii |
+ |
Cupule bracts not clawlike. |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Cupules corky or spongy and with smooth concentric lines outside. |
(16) |
+ |
Cupules covered with squamose or scurfy bracts and with raised concentric ridges outside. |
(17) |
16 (15) |
Rachis of inflorescences 1-2 cm thick; cupule wall 2-5 mm thick |
6 Lithocarpus pasania |
+ |
Rachis of inflorescences 0.6-1 cm thick; cupule wall 5-15 mm thick |
7 Lithocarpus balansae |
17 (15) |
Cupules with bracts conspicuous or inconspicuous, spirally arranged, sometimes scalelike and overlapping. |
(18) |
+ |
Cupules with bracts united into 4-8 thin concentric ridges. |
(19) |
18 (17) |
Cupules flat at apex |
12 Lithocarpus lepidocarpus |
+ |
Cupules rounded at apex |
11 Lithocarpus amygdalifolius |
19 (17) |
Cupules ellipsoid, narrowed to 1 or both ends, 1.2-1.6 cm in diam. |
10 Lithocarpus levis |
+ |
Cupules globose to subglobose, 2-3 cm in diam. |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Wall of cupule ca. 1.5 mm thick; branchlets of current year blackish when dry |
8 Lithocarpus laoticus |
+ |
Wall of cupule ca. 1 mm thick; branchlets of current year dark brown when dry |
9 Lithocarpus chifui |
21 (2) |
Wall of cupule more than 3 mm thick or rarely thinner; leaf blade concolorous or with scalelike glands (like tiny drops of water and visible only under high magnifying lens), margin dentate or if entire then abaxially covered with long or stellate hairs. |
(22) |
+ |
Wall of cupule rarely to 2 mm thick; leaf blade not concolorous (concolorous in L. truncatus and sometimes in L. dealbatus) abaxially covered with tightly adherent waxy or lax pulveraceous scalelike trichomes, margin entire or rarely undulate. |
(26) |
22 (21) |
Nut conspicuously wider than long; cupules ± flat to discoid |
41 Lithocarpus pachylepis |
+ |
Nut ± as long as wide; cupules cupular. |
(23) |
23 (22) |
Leaf blade glabrous or with short hairs only along midvein or at axils of secondary veins |
40 Lithocarpus corneus |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially hairy. |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Hairs simple |
38 Lithocarpus uvariifolius |
+ |
Hairs stellate or branched. |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Leaf blade abaxially densely covered with stellate hairs; secondary veins (15-)20-28 on each side of midvein |
39 Lithocarpus fordianus |
+ |
Leaf blade sparsely covered with stellate or branched hairs; secondary veins rarely more than 16 on each side of midvein |
40 Lithocarpus corneus |
26 (21) |
Scar usually covering more than 2/3 of nut; cupules enclosing most of nut. |
(27) |
+ |
Scar covering at most 1/2 of nut; cupules enclosing 1/3-3/4 of nut. |
(32) |
27 (26) |
Petiole 3-4 cm |
24 Lithocarpus tabularis |
+ |
Petiole less than 2.5 cm. |
(28) |
28 (27) |
Leaf blade hairy at least abaxially on midvein |
20 Lithocarpus talangensis |
+ |
Leaf blade glabrous or abaxially covered with tightly adherent waxy scalelike trichomes. |
(29) |
29 (28) |
Cupules 3-3.5 cm |
21 Lithocarpus truncatus |
+ |
Cupules less than 3 cm. |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Cupules outside glaucous; bracts imbricate or united into interrupted ring |
21 Lithocarpus truncatus |
+ |
Cupules outside grayish brown or grayish tawny; bracts (except for subulate tip) fused to cupule, rarely united into concentric rings. |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Leaf secondary veins 7-10 on each side of midvein; branches of 2nd- or 3rd-year growth with grayish lamelliform waxy scalelike trichomes |
22 Lithocarpus cleistocarpus |
+ |
Leaf secondary veins 12-16 on each side of midvein; branches without waxy scalelike trichomes |
23 Lithocarpus tenuilimbus |
32 (26) |
Nut glabrous. |
(33) |
+ |
Nut hairy at least with pulverulent minute hairs around base of styles. |
(37) |
33 (32) |
Petiole 0.2-0.5 cm; leaf blade apex rounded, obtuse, or rarely shortly acute |
25 Lithocarpus crassifolius |
+ |
Petiole 1-2.5 cm; leaf blade apex acuminate to caudate. |
(34) |
34 (33) |
Leaf blade secondary veins conspicuous, abruptly curving, and fusing near margin, secondary and tertiary veins adaxially impressed |
26 Lithocarpus pachyphyllus |
+ |
Leaf blade secondary veins inconspicuous and not fusing, secondary and tertiary veins adaxially not or only slightly impressed. |
(35) |
35 (34) |
Young leaf blades abaxially covered with reddish brown to yellowish brown pulverulous scalelike trichomes |
27 Lithocarpus apricus |
+ |
Young leaf blades abaxially without pulverulous scalelike trichomes. |
(36) |
36 (35) |
Leaf buds, young branchlets, and female flower buds without resin; leaf blade abaxially glaucous when dry |
28 Lithocarpus variolosus |
+ |
Leaf buds, young branchlets, and female flower buds with dark brown ± translucent resin; leaf blade abaxially not glaucous when dry |
22 Lithocarpus cleistocarpus |
37 (32) |
Leaf blade abaxially hairy. |
(38) |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially glabrous. |
(41) |
38 (37) |
Nut with hairs only around stylopodium |
29 Lithocarpus dealbatus |
+ |
Nut (except for scar) hairy throughout. |
(39) |
39 (38) |
Leaf blade margin usually undulate |
30 Lithocarpus thomsonii |
+ |
Leaf blade margin entire (sometimes shallowly undulate in L. cucullatus). |
(40) |
40 (39) |
Leaf blades of current year pubescent or rusty scurfy; wall of cupule 2-4 mm thick |
31 Lithocarpus laetus |
+ |
Leaf blades of current year abaxially grayish brown tomentose and with waxy scalelike trichomes; wall of cupule ca. 1.5 mm thick |
32 Lithocarpus cucullatus |
41 (37) |
Leaf blades of current year abaxially with tightly adherent, waxy scalelike trichomes. |
(42) |
+ |
Leaf blades of current year covered with early glabrescent, loose, pulveraceous scalelike trichomes. |
(43) |
42 (41) |
Nut concave around stylopodium; petiole 2-2.5 cm |
36 Lithocarpus triqueter |
+ |
Nut flat/convex around stylopodium; petiole 1-1.5 cm |
37 Lithocarpus cinereus |
43 (41) |
Branchlets of current year puberulent |
33 Lithocarpus chrysocomus |
+ |
Branchlets of current year glabrous. |
(44) |
44 (43) |
Nut conspicuously concave around stylopodium; petiole 1.5-2 cm |
34 Lithocarpus lycoperdon |
+ |
Nut flat/convex around stylopodium; petiole 2-3 cm |
35 Lithocarpus paihengii |
45 (1) |
Cupules mostly solitary along rachis but sometimes a few in clusters of 2 or 3. |
(46) |
+ |
Cupules in clusters of 3-5 or more scattered along rachis (solitary or 3 together in L. cyrtocarpus). |
(63) |
46 (45) |
Cupules completely enclosing nut. |
(47) |
+ |
Cupules not completely enclosing nut. |
(49) |
47 (46) |
Cupules stalked; nuts white farinose; bracts inconspicuous, triangular; petiole 1.5-3 cm |
42 Lithocarpus attenuatus |
+ |
Cupules sessile; nuts with appressed hairs; bracts linear or clawlike; petiole less than 1.5 cm. |
(48) |
48 (47) |
Cupules abruptly narrowed and ± elongate at apex; bracts clawlike; petiole less than 1 cm |
43 Lithocarpus tubulosus |
+ |
Cupules not elongated at apex; bracts linear; petiole 1-1.5 cm |
44 Lithocarpus echinotholus |
49 (46) |
Cupules stalked. |
(50) |
+ |
Cupules sessile. |
(54) |
50 (49) |
Cupules enclosing only base or to 1/2 of nut. |
(51) |
+ |
Cupules usually enclosing 1/2-3/4 of nut. |
(52) |
51 (50) |
Nut ± white farinose; petiole 1-1.5 cm; stalk of cupule 3-5 mm |
48 Lithocarpus longipedicellatus |
+ |
Nut not farinose; petiole less than 1 cm; stalk of cupule 4-7 mm in fruit |
49 Lithocarpus brachystachyus |
52 (50) |
Nut covered with appressed minute hairs |
45 Lithocarpus pseudoreinwardtii |
+ |
Nut glabrous. |
(53) |
53 (52) |
Stalk of mature cupules ca. 1.5 cm; petiole 3-4 cm |
46 Lithocarpus caudatilimbus |
+ |
Stalk of mature cupules less than 0.8 cm; petiole 1-1.5 cm |
47 Lithocarpus shinsuiensis |
54 (49) |
Nut covered with minute yellowish gray appressed hairs. |
(55) |
+ |
Nut glabrous. |
(56) |
55 (54) |
Cupule bracts linear; petiole 10-20 mm |
50 Lithocarpus leucodermis |
+ |
Cupule bracts triangular to rhomboid; petiole 2-5 mm |
51 Lithocarpus quercifolius |
56 (54) |
Leaf blade margin with 3-6 obtuse teeth; nut scar margin impressed but center ± convex |
52 Lithocarpus konishii |
+ |
Leaf blade margin entire; nut scar concave. |
(57) |
57 (56) |
Cupule bracts inconspicuous or ± united into a few concentric rings; nut scar rarely more than 6 mm in diam. |
(58) |
+ |
Cupule bracts imbricate or ± spirally arranged (basal bracts usually united into 3 or 4 concentric rings and obscure in L. pakhaensis); nut scar (7-)8-19 mm in diam. |
(59) |
58 (57) |
Leaf blade abaxially covered with lamellate waxy scalelike trichomes, apex acuminate to caudate; secondary veins 10-15 on each side of midvein; cupule discoid, 1.2-1.5 cm |
53 Lithocarpus nantoensis |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially covered with punctiform waxy scalelike trichomes, apex acuminate to rarely acute; secondary veins 6-10 on each side of midvein; cupule bowl-shaped, 0.5-0.8 cm |
54 Lithocarpus iteaphyllus |
59 (57) |
Petiole 2-2.5 cm; nuts 2.5-3 cm in diam. |
55 Lithocarpus elmerrillii |
+ |
Petiole rarely to 2 cm; nuts 1-2.2 cm in diam. |
(60) |
60 (59) |
Petiole 0.4-0.8 cm; leaf blade 1-2 cm wide |
56 Lithocarpus dodonaeifolius |
+ |
Petiole 1-1.5 cm; leaf blade 1.5-4 cm wide. |
(61) |
61 (60) |
Leaf blade 2-3 cm wide, apex rounded |
57 Lithocarpus formosanus |
+ |
Leaf blade more than 3 cm wide, apex acuminate. |
(62) |
62 (61) |
Leaf blade lanceolate; inflorescence ca. 4 cm; basal bracts usually united into 3 or 4 concentric rings |
58 Lithocarpus pakhaensis |
+ |
Leaf blade elliptic to ovate-elliptic; inflorescence 5-15 cm; bracts imbricate |
59 Lithocarpus yongfuensis |
63 (45) |
Cupules stalked. |
(64) |
+ |
Cupules sessile. |
(71) |
64 (63) |
Nut glabrous. |
(65) |
+ |
Nut covered with appressed minute hairs. |
(66) |
65 (64) |
Nut 0.7-1.2 cm in diam., scar 4-5 mm in diam. |
66 Lithocarpus farinulentus |
+ |
Nut 1.2-1.6 cm in diam., scar 7-10 mm in diam. |
67 Lithocarpus propinquus |
66 (64) |
Cupules enclosing more than 2/3 of nut. |
(67) |
+ |
Cupules enclosing up to 1/2 of nut. |
(68) |
67 (66) |
Cupules completely enclosing nut, wall ca. 0.5 mm thick; bracts triangular |
60 Lithocarpus sphaerocarpus |
+ |
Cupules enclosing 2/3-4/5 of nut, wall 1.5-2.5 mm thick; bracts reduced to concentric rings |
61 Lithocarpus magneinii |
68 (66) |
Nut scar 8-12 mm in diam. |
65 Lithocarpus bacgiangensis |
+ |
Nut scar 4-6 mm or more in diam. |
(69) |
69 (68) |
Leaf secondary veins 16-22 on each side of midvein; petiole 1-1.5 cm |
62 Lithocarpus microspermus |
+ |
Leaf secondary veins 9-15 on each side of midvein; petiole rarely to 1 cm. |
(70) |
70 (69) |
Nut broadly conical, 1.6-2 cm in diam.; leaf blade oblanceolate, sometimes oblong |
63 Lithocarpus pseudovestitus |
+ |
Nut depressed globose, 1.1-1.4 cm in diam.; leaf blade elliptic to ovate-elliptic |
64 Lithocarpus mekongensis |
71 (63) |
Nut (3-)4-5 cm in diam., wall 10-14 mm thick. |
(72) |
+ |
Nut rarely over 3.5 cm in diam., wall less than 5 mm thick. |
(73) |
72 (71) |
Leaf blade margin lobate-dentate |
70 Lithocarpus cryptocarpus |
+ |
Leaf blade margin entire or rarely with 1-3 teeth near apex |
69 Lithocarpus gymnocarpus |
73 (71) |
Cupules enclosing at least 1/2 to all of nut; wall of nut crustaceous. |
(74) |
+ |
Cupules usually enclosing less than 1/2 of nut (sometimes to 2/3 of nut in L. grandifolius); wall of nut thick and woody. |
(94) |
74 (73) |
Cupules enclosing less than 3/4 of nut. |
(75) |
+ |
Cupules completely or sometimes almost completely enclosing nut. |
(83) |
75 (74) |
Petiole less than 1 cm. |
(76) |
+ |
Petiole 1-2 cm. |
(77) |
76 (75) |
Branchlets tomentose; secondary veins 8-11 on each side of midvein |
82 Lithocarpus fangii |
+ |
Branchlets with crispy hairs; secondary veins 12-16 on each side of midvein |
84 Lithocarpus elaeagnifolius |
77 (75) |
Leaf secondary veins 6-8 on each side of midvein; bracts, except for apex, fused to cupule |
78 Lithocarpus longanoides |
+ |
Leaf secondary veins 10-22 on each side of midvein; bracts not fused to cupule. |
(78) |
78 (77) |
Leaf secondary veins abruptly arcuate apically near margin, apical ones often fusing. |
(79) |
+ |
Leaf secondary veins not curving nor fusing. |
(80) |
79 (78) |
Cupules 1.6-1.8 cm in diam., bracts 2-3 mm; nut scar 0.8-0.9 cm in diam. |
79 Lithocarpus bonnetii |
+ |
Cupules 2-2.5 cm in diam., bracts 4-6 mm; nut scar 0.9-1.2 cm in diam. |
80 Lithocarpus garrettianus |
80 (78) |
Leaf tertiary veins abaxially numerous and conspicuous, apex caudate |
81 Lithocarpus rosthornii |
+ |
Leaf tertiary veins abaxially inconspicuous or not visible, apex acuminate. |
(81) |
81 (80) |
Branches and leaves pilose |
74 Lithocarpus oleifolius |
+ |
Branches and leaves glabrous. |
(82) |
82 (81) |
Leaf blade narrowly oblong to lanceolate; rachis of infructescence 4-6 mm thick |
71 Lithocarpus elizabethiae |
+ |
Leaf blade elliptic to narrowly elliptic; rachis of infructescence ca. 12 mm thick |
72 Lithocarpus echinophorus |
83 (74) |
Branchlets of current year, leaf blades, and rachis of inflorescences glabrous, glabrescent, or sparsely pubescent. |
(84) |
+ |
Branchlets of current year and leaf blades abaxially hairy; rachis of inflorescences pilose to tomentose (puberulent in L. trachycarpus). |
(87) |
84 (83) |
Petiole 2-3 cm; nut scar ca. 1 cm in diam. |
70 Lithocarpus cryptocarpus |
+ |
Petiole 0.5-2 cm; nut scar 1-1.8 cm in diam. |
(85) |
85 (84) |
Leaf blade abaxially pubescent along midvein; secondary veins abruptly arcuate apically near margin, apical ones often fusing; tertiary veins abaxially evident |
85 Lithocarpus fenestratus |
+ |
Leaf blade glabrous; secondary veins not curving nor fusing; tertiary veins abaxially inconspicuous. |
(86) |
86 (85) |
Rachis of infructescence 4-6 mm thick; cupule apically elongated into a nipple |
71 Lithocarpus elizabethiae |
+ |
Rachis of infructescence ca. 12 mm thick; cupule apically flat |
72 Lithocarpus echinophorus |
87 (83) |
Mature leaf blades abaxially densely hairy. |
(88) |
+ |
Mature leaf blades abaxially glabrous, pilose on midvein, or with scalelike trichomes. |
(89) |
88 (87) |
Leaf blade 2-4 cm wide, widest at or from base to middle, abaxially covered with appressed hairs |
74 Lithocarpus oleifolius |
+ |
Leaf blade 4-6 cm wide, widest usually from middle to apex, abaxially pilose |
75 subsp. dakhaensis |
89 (87) |
Rachis of inflorescences and branchlets of current year sparsely pilose or subglabrous, oily and shiny when dry; leaf blade tertiary veins abaxially conspicuous |
76 Lithocarpus trachycarpus |
+ |
Rachis of inflorescences and branchlets of current year densely hairy, not oily and shiny when dry; leaf blade tertiary veins abaxially inconspicuous. |
(90) |
90 (89) |
Leaf secondary veins 6-8 on each side of midvein; bracts, except for apex, fused to cupule |
78 Lithocarpus longanoides |
+ |
Leaf secondary veins 10-16 on each side of midvein; bracts not fused to cupule. |
(91) |
91 (90) |
Leaf secondary veins abruptly curving apically; nut broadly conical |
83 Lithocarpus paniculatus |
+ |
Leaf secondary veins not curving; nut depressed globose. |
(92) |
92 (91) |
Petiole 8-12 mm; rachis of inflorescences 6-8 mm thick |
77 Lithocarpus chiungchungensis |
+ |
Petiole 5-8 mm; rachis of inflorescences 2-3 mm thick. |
(93) |
93 (92) |
Branchlets tomentose; petiole base not thickened; nut 1.4-2.2 cm in diam. |
73 Lithocarpus skanianus |
+ |
Branchlets with crispy hairs; petiole base thickened; nut 1.2-1.4 cm in diam. |
84 Lithocarpus elaeagnifolius |
94 (73) |
Cupule bracts linear, usually curved downward. |
(95) |
+ |
Cupule bracts triangular to rhomboid, imbricate or united into continuous or interrupted concentric rings. |
(97) |
95 (94) |
Nuts with 3 longitudinal obtuse ridges near apex |
123 Lithocarpus areca |
+ |
Nuts without ridges. |
(96) |
96 (95) |
Petiole 2-3.5 cm; nut height ± same as width |
121 Lithocarpus haipinii |
+ |
Petiole 1-1.5 cm; nut height less than width |
122 Lithocarpus qinzhouicus |
97 (94) |
Cupules enclosing almost 1/2 of nut. |
(98) |
+ |
Cupules enclosing basal part or at most 1/3 of nut. |
(104) |
98 (97) |
Cupule bracts fused with wall or basal bracts connate into concentric rings. |
(99) |
+ |
Cupule bracts imbricate. |
(100) |
99 (98) |
Branchlets glabrous; petiole 0.5-1 cm; leaf blade secondary veins 13-20 on each side of midvein 13-20 |
100 Lithocarpus grandifolius |
+ |
Branchlets pilose; petiole 1-1.5 cm; leaf blade secondary veins 10-12 on each side of midvein |
112 Lithocarpus silvicolarum |
100 (98) |
Leaf blade abaxially with tufts of stellate hairs at axils of veins, margin serrate from middle.to apex, apex caudate; cup shortly stalked |
89 Lithocarpus carolineae |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially without tufts of stellate hairs, margin entire, apex not caudate; cup sessile. |
(101) |
101 (100) |
Branches lenticellate; leaf blade base rounded to auriculate |
102 Lithocarpus obscurus |
+ |
Branches not lenticellate; leaf blade base cuneate. |
(102) |
102 (101) |
Petiole 1.5-3.5 cm; leaf blade 12-22 cm |
111 Lithocarpus henryi |
+ |
Petiole 0.5-1.5 cm; leaf blade 4-11 cm. |
(103) |
103 (102) |
Rachis of inflorescences covered with scalelike trichomes; leaf blade secondary veins 6-10 on each side of midvein |
86 Lithocarpus mairei |
+ |
Rachis of inflorescences tomentose; leaf blade secondary veins 10-15 on each side of midvein |
87 Lithocarpus melanochromus |
104 (97) |
Leaf blade 5-10 × as long as wide. |
(105) |
+ |
Leaf blade rarely 5 × as long as wide. |
(106) |
105 (104) |
Cupules 1.2-1.8 cm in diam.; nut scar 8-12 mm in diam. |
90 Lithocarpus naiadarum |
+ |
Cupules 0.5-0.8 cm in diam.; nut scar 3-4 mm in diam. |
92 Lithocarpus ithyphyllus |
106 (104) |
Leaf blade when young abaxially variously pubescent. |
(107) |
+ |
Leaf blade when young abaxially glabrous or with scalelike glands. |
(115) |
107 (106) |
Leaf blade abaxially with stellate hairs. |
(108) |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially without stellate hairs. |
(109) |
108 (107) |
Petiole 2.5-4 cm; cupule 2.5-3.5 cm in diam., wall 3-6 mm thick; nut subglobose, 2.5-3.8 cm in diam. |
95 Lithocarpus eriobotryoides |
+ |
Petiole 1-2 cm; cupule 1.8-2.2 cm in diam., wall to 2 mm thick; nut conical to ellipsoid, 1-1.5 cm in diam. |
94 Lithocarpus petelotii |
109 (107) |
Leaf blade less than 3 cm wide; petiole ca. 1 cm. |
(110) |
+ |
Leaf blade usually over 3 cm wide (sometimes ca. 2 cm wide in L. taitoensis); petiole longer than 1 cm. |
(112) |
110 (109) |
Leaf blade midvein at least basally adaxially raised |
98 Lithocarpus obovatilimbus |
+ |
Leaf blade midvein at least from base to middle adaxially impressed. |
(111) |
111 (110) |
Leaf blade with tufts of minute crisp hairs on both surfaces when young, abaxially scurfy; nuts not white farinose; styles less than 1 mm |
96 Lithocarpus macilentus |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially minutely scalelike glands and floccose-tomentose when young; nuts white farinose; styles to 2 mm |
97 Lithocarpus floccosus |
112 (109) |
Leaf blade usually broadest from middle to apex |
99 Lithocarpus glaber |
+ |
Leaf blade usually broadest at middle. |
(113) |
113 (112) |
Petiole 1-1.5 cm; leaf secondary veins 14-20 on each side of midvein |
101 Lithocarpus collettii |
+ |
Petiole 1.5-3 cm; leaf secondary veins 11-15 on each side of midvein. |
(114) |
114 (113) |
Leaf blade 4-6 cm wide, base cuneate and decurrent on petiole; petiole 1.5-2 cm; rachis of inflorescences 1-1.3 cm thick |
104 Lithocarpus mianningensis |
+ |
Leaf blade 5-8 cm wide, base broadly cuneate to subrounded; petiole 2-3 cm; rachis of inflorescences ca. 0.9 cm thick |
105 Lithocarpus gaoligongensis |
115 (106) |
Branchlets of current year and leaf blades abaxially hairy (hairs on leaf blades wiped off easily. |
(116) |
+ |
Branchlets of current year and leaf blades abaxially glabrous or with scalelike glands. |
(118) |
116 (115) |
Leaf blade tertiary veins abaxially inconspicuous; branchlets with tawny minute lamellate waxy scalelike trichomes |
114 Lithocarpus taitoensis |
+ |
Leaf blade tertiary veins abaxially conspicuous; branchlets without waxy scalelike trichomes. |
(117) |
117 (116) |
Leaf blade rigidly leathery; petiole 2.5-5 cm; male catkins less than 3 cm; cupule 1.5-2.5 cm in diam. |
93 Lithocarpus calophyllus |
+ |
Leaf blade papery to subleathery; petiole 1.5-2.5 cm; male catkins to 25 cm; cupule 0.8-1.5 cm in diam. |
113 Lithocarpus litseifolius |
118 (115) |
Leaf blade margin obtusely lobate-dentate from middle to apex or near apex. |
(119) |
+ |
Leaf blade margin entire. |
(120) |
119 (118) |
Nut 2.2-2.8 cm (longer than wide); leaf tertiary veins abaxially inconspicuous |
106 Lithocarpus harlandii |
+ |
Nut 1.6-2.2 cm (shorter than or ± as long as wide); leaf tertiary veins abaxially slender, evident |
107 Lithocarpus kawakamii |
120 (118) |
Leaf blade base auriculate or rounded |
108 Lithocarpus brevicaudatus |
+ |
Leaf blade base neither auriculate nor rounded. |
(121) |
121 (120) |
Leaf blade secondary veins adaxially impressed. |
(122) |
+ |
Leaf blade secondary veins adaxially flat. |
(126) |
122 (121) |
Leaf blade broadest at or slightly from base to middle; tertiary veins abaxially inconspicuous |
114 Lithocarpus taitoensis |
+ |
Leaf blade broadest from middle to apex; tertiary veins abaxially conspicuous. |
(123) |
123 (122) |
Bracts ± connate into concentric and ± raised rings |
88 Lithocarpus fohaiensis |
+ |
Bracts imbricate. |
(124) |
124 (123) |
Leaf blade 6-13 cm wide |
110 Lithocarpus megalophyllus |
+ |
Leaf blade 4-7 cm wide. |
(125) |
125 (124) |
Leaf blade secondary veins 12-25 on each side of midvein; nuts 1.6-2.2 cm, wall ca. 0.5 mm thick |
107 Lithocarpus kawakamii |
+ |
Leaf blade secondary veins 9-11 on each side of midvein; nuts 2.4-3 cm, wall 1-1.5 mm thick |
109 Lithocarpus oblanceolatus |
126 (121) |
Petiole less than 1 cm. |
(127) |
+ |
Petiole 1-5 cm. |
(130) |
127 (126) |
Mature leaf blades abaxially without waxy scalelike trichomes. |
(128) |
+ |
Mature leaf blades with waxy scalelike trichomes. |
(129) |
128 (127) |
Leaf blade 5-10 cm; rachis of infructescences 0.2-0.3 cm thick |
91 Lithocarpus hancei |
+ |
Leaf blade 10-18 cm; rachis of infructescences 1-1.4 cm thick |
115 Lithocarpus nitidinux |
129 (127) |
Leaf blade firmly leathery, apex rounded; secondary veins 10-12 on each side of midvein; petiole 3-5 mm |
116 Lithocarpus phansipanensis |
+ |
Leaf blade papery, apex shortly acuminate to obtuse; secondary veins 12-16 on each side of midvein; petiole to 10 mm |
117 Lithocarpus confinis |
130 (126) |
Leaf blade 20-35 × 8-12 cm |
117 Lithocarpus confinis |
+ |
Leaf blade 5-20 × 2-8 cm. |
(131) |
131 (130) |
Leaf secondary veins 12-16 on each side of midvein. |
(132) |
+ |
Leaf secondary veins 6-11 on each side of midvein. |
(134) |
132 (131) |
Nut scar 1.2-1.5 cm in diam. |
120 Lithocarpus calolepis |
+ |
Nut scar 0.5-1 cm in diam. |
(133) |
133 (132) |
Rachis of infructescences 0.8-1.8 cm thick; leaf blade secondary veins 12-16 on each side of midvein |
103 Lithocarpus arcaula |
+ |
Rachis of infructescences 0.2-0.3 cm thick; leaf blade secondary veins 6-13 on each side of midvein |
91 Lithocarpus hancei |
134 (131) |
Leaf blade oily shiny when young |
114 Lithocarpus taitoensis |
+ |
Leaf blade not oily shiny when young. |
(135) |
135 (134) |
Leaf blade not glaucous |
91 Lithocarpus hancei |
+ |
Leaf blade glaucous. |
(136) |
136 (135) |
Tertiary veins abaxially slender, evident, lax, and reddish to yellowish brown when dry; basal bracts of cupule connate into concentric rings |
113 Lithocarpus litseifolius |
+ |
Tertiary veins inconspicuous; cupule bracts spirally arranged |
118 Lithocarpus hypoglaucus |