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12. Michelia Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 536. 1753.

含笑属 han xiao shu

Michelia yunnanensis

Credit: Harvard University Herbaria

Champaca Adanson; Elmerrillia Dandy; Liriopsis Spach (1839), not Reichenbach (1828-1829); Paramichelia Hu; Sampacca Kuntze; Tsoongiodendron Chun.

Trees or shrubs, evergreen. Stipules hooded, 2-valved, membranous, adnate to or free from petiole, annular scar persistent on petiole or twig. Leaves spirally arranged; leaf blade leathery, margin entire. Young leaves erect or folded in buds. Flowers pseudoaxillary on a brachyblast, solitary or rarely 1 flower bud surrounding 2 or 3 flower buds on different nodes and forming a 2- or 3-flowered thyrse, bisexual, usually fragrant; bud surrounded by 2-4 deciduous spathaceous bracts. Peduncle with annular bract-scar but if bracts adnate to petiole then petiole with bract-scar. Tepals 6-21, 3 or 6 per whorl, subequal or rarely much smaller than outer whorl. Stamens numerous; filaments short or long; connective elongated, exserted and forming a long or short tip, rarely not exserted; anthers dehiscing laterally or nearly laterally. Gynoecium with or without a gynophore; carpels few or numerous, usually partly undeveloped, without abaxial longitudinal furrow, adaxial base inserted on rachis, apical part often distinct or rarely coherent; ovules 2 to several per carpel. Fruit usually terete when mature, often curved because of partly abortive carpels; mature carpels leathery or woody, completely persistent on fruiting axis, sessile or shortly stalked, dehiscing into 2 valves along dorsal sutures or along both dorsal and ventral sutures, sometimes fruit fleshy and tardily and irregularly dehiscent, or a woody syncarp, upper parts of carpels falling away while also dehiscing along dorsal suture, basal parts remaining attached to torus with their suspended seeds. Seeds 2 to several per carpel, red or brown.

About 70 species: tropical and subtropical Asia; 39 or 37 species including one or two hybrid species (20 or 18 endemic, one introduced) in China.

Michelia fadouensis D. X. Li & Y. W. Law, M. fugongensis D. X. Li & Y. W. Law, M. gigantea D. X. Li & R. Z. Zhou, M. gushanensis D. X. Li & Y. W. Law, M. pingbianica R. Z. Zhou & Q. W. Zeng, and M. virensipetala Y. W. Law & R. Z. Zhou (in Y. H. Liu, Magnolias China, 248, 259, 266, 272, 304, 322. 2004) are of uncertain identity and are probably the same as already published Michelia species but were not validly published because no Latin descriptions or diagnoses were provided and no types were indicated (Vienna Code, Art. 36.1 and 37.1).

1 Tepals unequal, outmost whorl membranous but others fleshy; stipules free from petiole.   37 M. hypolampra
+ Tepals subequal, ± fleshy; stipules free from or connate to petiole   (2)
2 (1) Tepals 6, in 2 whorls; stipules free from petiole   (3)
+ Tepals 9 or more, in 3 or more whorls; stipules free from or connate to petiole   (10)
3 (2) Leaf blades glabrous on both surfaces   (4)
+ Leaf blades at least abaxially with some trichomes   (7)
4 (3) Gynoecium glabrous   (5)
+ Gynoecium with trichomes   (6)
5 (4) Fruit 8-15 cm.   30 M. martini
+ Fruit 3.5-10 cm.   31 M. chapensis
6 (4) Brachyblasts with trichomes; tepals obovate-elliptic.   31 M. chapensis
+ Brachyblasts glabrous; tepals narrowly oblong to broadly lanceolate.   32 M. xanthantha
7 (3) Leaf blade 1.5-2.5 cm wide, secondary veins inconspicuous; tepals narrower and smaller, oblanceolate.   33 M. angustioblonga
+ Leaf blade 2.8-10 cm wide, secondary veins conspicuous; tepals broader and larger, obovate- elliptic, obovate, oblong, or narrowly elliptic (but unknown for M. leveilleana)   (8)
8 (7) Leaf blades thinly leathery, both surfaces pubescent when young.   36 M. leveilleana
+ Leaf blades thickly leathery or leathery, abaxially brown tomentose and adaxially glabrous   (9)
9 (8) Petiole 1.5-4 cm; mature carpels 2-6 cm.   34 M. balansae
+ Petiole ca. 1 cm; mature carpels 1-2 cm.   35 M. guangxiensis
10 (2) Stipules adnate to petiole, leaving stipular scar on petiole   (11)
+ Stipules free from petiole, no stipular scar on petiole   (26)
11 (10) Petiole shorter, usually not exceeding 5 mm; outer tepals smaller   (12)
+ Petiole longer, often exceeding 5 mm; outer tepals larger   (15)
12 (11) Gynoecium glabrous.   27 M. figo
+ Gynoecium with trichomes   (13)
13 (12) Tepals pale yellow, outer ones outside with brownish trichomes.   29 M. skinneriana
+ Tepals white, purplish red, or dark purple, outer ones outside glabrous   (14)
14 (13) Tepals white; gynoecium exceeding androecium; fruit usually with 5-9 mature carpels.   26 M. yunnanensis
+ Tepals dark purple; gynoecium not exceeding androecium; fruit with more than 10 mature carpels.   28 M. crassipes
15 (11) Stipular scar shorter than 1/3 of petiole   (16)
+ Stipular scar longer than 1/3 of petiole   (20)
16 (15) Tepals yellow   (17)
+ Tepals white   (18)
17 (16) Leaf blade thinly leathery, obovate, 20-27 × 7-11 cm, abaxially glaucous; tepals 8.   10 M. opipara
+ Leaf blade leathery, obovate to narrowly obovate, 9-15 × 3-7 cm, abaxially grayish white; tepals 9-12.   11 M. wilsonii
18 (16) Twigs and petioles grayish white appressed pubescent.   7 M. doltsopa
+ Twigs and petioles with brownish trichomes   (19)
19 (18) Young twigs densely yellowish brown tomentose; petiole adaxially furrowed.   8 M. fulva
+ Young twigs brown pubescent; petiole not adaxially furrowed.   9 M. sphaerantha
20 (15) Tepals obovate to spatulate   (21)
+ Tepals narrowly oblanceolate or narrowly lanceolate   (23)
21 (20) Tepals white.   6 M. floribunda
+ Tepals yellow or ivory-yellow, red-dotted   (22)
22 (21) Stipular scar reaching middle of petiole; tepals yellow or ivory-yellow, red-dotted; fruit subellipsoid, ca. 13 × 9 cm; mature carpels connate.   4 M. odora
+ Stipular scar reaching apex of petiole; tepals yellow; fruit terete; mature carpels distinct.   5 M. kisopa
23 (20) Young twigs densely gray tomentose; old twigs, fruiting brachyblasts, gynophores, and carpels pilose.   1 M. velutina
+ Young parts pubescent, later pubescent or glabrous   (24)
24 (23) Tepals white.   38 M. ×alba
+ Tepals yellow or white but if white at least cream-colored in bud   (25)
25 (24) Leaf blade adaxially glabrous, midvein flat; fruit terete, 7-15 cm, mature carpels distinct.   2 M. champaca
+ Leaf blade adaxially brownish appressed villous at first, midvein impressed; fruit ellipsoid to ellipsoid-cylindric, 6-10 cm, mature carpels connate.   3 M. baillonii
26 (10) Tepals obovate, broadly obovate, or obovate-oblong   (27)
+ Tepals spatulate-obovate, narrowly obovate, or spatulate   (31)
27 (26) Leaf blade glabrous on both surfaces   (28)
+ Leaf blade with trichomes   (29)
28 (27) Buds narrowly ellipsoid; twigs glabrous.   22 M. shiluensis
+ Buds cylindric; twigs puberulous.   23 M. coriacea
29 (27) Tepals white.   24 M. guangdongensis
+ Tepals pale yellow   (30)
30 (29) Leaf blade oblong-elliptic, elliptic-ovate, or ovate, 17-23 × 6-11 cm, reddish brown or silvery gray tomentose abaxially.   25 M. foveolata
+ Leaf blade obovate-oblong or narrowly elliptic, 9-18 × 4.5-5.5 cm, densely brown pubescent or golden yellow villous.   39 M. elegans
31 (26) Leaf blade glabrous on both surfaces   (32)
+ Leaf blade with some trichomes   (34)
32 (31) Leaf blade abaxially glaucous.   12 M. maudiae
+ Leaf blade not abaxially glaucous   (33)
33 (32) Leaf blade oblong-elliptic to elliptic, 14-17 × 6-8 cm.   13 M. lacei
+ Leaf blade elliptic to narrowly elliptic, 7-10 × 1.7-2.3 cm.   14 M. iteophylla
34 (31) Androecium exceeding gynoecium.   15 M. fujianensis
+ Androecium not exceeding gynoecium   (35)
35 (34) Tepals yellow   (36)
+ Tepals white or red   (37)
36 (35) Leaf blade narrowly obovate, abaxially scattered with reddish brown erect trichomes.   11 M. wilsonii
+ Leaf blade narrowly ovate to narrowly elliptic, abaxially with brown silky trichomes.   16 M. flaviflora
37 (35) Bark fissured.   17 M. masticata
+ Bark smooth   (38)
38 (37) Buds, young twigs, and young leaves with dense reddish brown silky trichomes or tomentose   (39)
+ Buds, young twigs, and young leaves with brownish appressed trichomes or puberulous   (40)
39 (38) Leaf blade abaxially grayish white or mixed with reddish brown appressed trichomes; tepals 9.   18 M. cavaleriei
+ Leaf blade abaxially glabrescent; tepals 9-12.   20 M. macclurei
40 (38) Gynoecium with fine golden trichomes.   19 M. compressa
+ Gynoecium brown tomentose or silvery appressed puberulous   (41)
41 (40) Leaf blade leathery, obovate, elliptic-obovate, rhomboid-obovate, rhomboid, or oblong-elliptic, 7-18 × 5-7 cm.   20 M. macclurei
+ Leaf blade thinly leathery, rhomboid-elliptic, 6-13 × 3-5 cm.   21 M. mediocris

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