1 |
Tepals unequal, outmost whorl membranous but others fleshy; stipules free from petiole. |
37 M. hypolampra |
+ |
Tepals subequal, ± fleshy; stipules free from or connate to petiole |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Tepals 6, in 2 whorls; stipules free from petiole |
(3) |
+ |
Tepals 9 or more, in 3 or more whorls; stipules free from or connate to petiole |
(10) |
3 (2) |
Leaf blades glabrous on both surfaces |
(4) |
+ |
Leaf blades at least abaxially with some trichomes |
(7) |
4 (3) |
Gynoecium glabrous |
(5) |
+ |
Gynoecium with trichomes |
(6) |
5 (4) |
Fruit 8-15 cm. |
30 M. martini |
+ |
Fruit 3.5-10 cm. |
31 M. chapensis |
6 (4) |
Brachyblasts with trichomes; tepals obovate-elliptic. |
31 M. chapensis |
+ |
Brachyblasts glabrous; tepals narrowly oblong to broadly lanceolate. |
32 M. xanthantha |
7 (3) |
Leaf blade 1.5-2.5 cm wide, secondary veins inconspicuous; tepals narrower and smaller, oblanceolate. |
33 M. angustioblonga |
+ |
Leaf blade 2.8-10 cm wide, secondary veins conspicuous; tepals broader and larger, obovate- elliptic, obovate, oblong, or narrowly elliptic (but unknown for M. leveilleana) |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Leaf blades thinly leathery, both surfaces pubescent when young. |
36 M. leveilleana |
+ |
Leaf blades thickly leathery or leathery, abaxially brown tomentose and adaxially glabrous |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Petiole 1.5-4 cm; mature carpels 2-6 cm. |
34 M. balansae |
+ |
Petiole ca. 1 cm; mature carpels 1-2 cm. |
35 M. guangxiensis |
10 (2) |
Stipules adnate to petiole, leaving stipular scar on petiole |
(11) |
+ |
Stipules free from petiole, no stipular scar on petiole |
(26) |
11 (10) |
Petiole shorter, usually not exceeding 5 mm; outer tepals smaller |
(12) |
+ |
Petiole longer, often exceeding 5 mm; outer tepals larger |
(15) |
12 (11) |
Gynoecium glabrous. |
27 M. figo |
+ |
Gynoecium with trichomes |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Tepals pale yellow, outer ones outside with brownish trichomes. |
29 M. skinneriana |
+ |
Tepals white, purplish red, or dark purple, outer ones outside glabrous |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Tepals white; gynoecium exceeding androecium; fruit usually with 5-9 mature carpels. |
26 M. yunnanensis |
+ |
Tepals dark purple; gynoecium not exceeding androecium; fruit with more than 10 mature carpels. |
28 M. crassipes |
15 (11) |
Stipular scar shorter than 1/3 of petiole |
(16) |
+ |
Stipular scar longer than 1/3 of petiole |
(20) |
16 (15) |
Tepals yellow |
(17) |
+ |
Tepals white |
(18) |
17 (16) |
Leaf blade thinly leathery, obovate, 20-27 × 7-11 cm, abaxially glaucous; tepals 8. |
10 M. opipara |
+ |
Leaf blade leathery, obovate to narrowly obovate, 9-15 × 3-7 cm, abaxially grayish white; tepals 9-12. |
11 M. wilsonii |
18 (16) |
Twigs and petioles grayish white appressed pubescent. |
7 M. doltsopa |
+ |
Twigs and petioles with brownish trichomes |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Young twigs densely yellowish brown tomentose; petiole adaxially furrowed. |
8 M. fulva |
+ |
Young twigs brown pubescent; petiole not adaxially furrowed. |
9 M. sphaerantha |
20 (15) |
Tepals obovate to spatulate |
(21) |
+ |
Tepals narrowly oblanceolate or narrowly lanceolate |
(23) |
21 (20) |
Tepals white. |
6 M. floribunda |
+ |
Tepals yellow or ivory-yellow, red-dotted |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Stipular scar reaching middle of petiole; tepals yellow or ivory-yellow, red-dotted; fruit subellipsoid, ca. 13 × 9 cm; mature carpels connate. |
4 M. odora |
+ |
Stipular scar reaching apex of petiole; tepals yellow; fruit terete; mature carpels distinct. |
5 M. kisopa |
23 (20) |
Young twigs densely gray tomentose; old twigs, fruiting brachyblasts, gynophores, and carpels pilose. |
1 M. velutina |
+ |
Young parts pubescent, later pubescent or glabrous |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Tepals white. |
38 M. ×alba |
+ |
Tepals yellow or white but if white at least cream-colored in bud |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Leaf blade adaxially glabrous, midvein flat; fruit terete, 7-15 cm, mature carpels distinct. |
2 M. champaca |
+ |
Leaf blade adaxially brownish appressed villous at first, midvein impressed; fruit ellipsoid to ellipsoid-cylindric, 6-10 cm, mature carpels connate. |
3 M. baillonii |
26 (10) |
Tepals obovate, broadly obovate, or obovate-oblong |
(27) |
+ |
Tepals spatulate-obovate, narrowly obovate, or spatulate |
(31) |
27 (26) |
Leaf blade glabrous on both surfaces |
(28) |
+ |
Leaf blade with trichomes |
(29) |
28 (27) |
Buds narrowly ellipsoid; twigs glabrous. |
22 M. shiluensis |
+ |
Buds cylindric; twigs puberulous. |
23 M. coriacea |
29 (27) |
Tepals white. |
24 M. guangdongensis |
+ |
Tepals pale yellow |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Leaf blade oblong-elliptic, elliptic-ovate, or ovate, 17-23 × 6-11 cm, reddish brown or silvery gray tomentose abaxially. |
25 M. foveolata |
+ |
Leaf blade obovate-oblong or narrowly elliptic, 9-18 × 4.5-5.5 cm, densely brown pubescent or golden yellow villous. |
39 M. elegans |
31 (26) |
Leaf blade glabrous on both surfaces |
(32) |
+ |
Leaf blade with some trichomes |
(34) |
32 (31) |
Leaf blade abaxially glaucous. |
12 M. maudiae |
+ |
Leaf blade not abaxially glaucous |
(33) |
33 (32) |
Leaf blade oblong-elliptic to elliptic, 14-17 × 6-8 cm. |
13 M. lacei |
+ |
Leaf blade elliptic to narrowly elliptic, 7-10 × 1.7-2.3 cm. |
14 M. iteophylla |
34 (31) |
Androecium exceeding gynoecium. |
15 M. fujianensis |
+ |
Androecium not exceeding gynoecium |
(35) |
35 (34) |
Tepals yellow |
(36) |
+ |
Tepals white or red |
(37) |
36 (35) |
Leaf blade narrowly obovate, abaxially scattered with reddish brown erect trichomes. |
11 M. wilsonii |
+ |
Leaf blade narrowly ovate to narrowly elliptic, abaxially with brown silky trichomes. |
16 M. flaviflora |
37 (35) |
Bark fissured. |
17 M. masticata |
+ |
Bark smooth |
(38) |
38 (37) |
Buds, young twigs, and young leaves with dense reddish brown silky trichomes or tomentose |
(39) |
+ |
Buds, young twigs, and young leaves with brownish appressed trichomes or puberulous |
(40) |
39 (38) |
Leaf blade abaxially grayish white or mixed with reddish brown appressed trichomes; tepals 9. |
18 M. cavaleriei |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially glabrescent; tepals 9-12. |
20 M. macclurei |
40 (38) |
Gynoecium with fine golden trichomes. |
19 M. compressa |
+ |
Gynoecium brown tomentose or silvery appressed puberulous |
(41) |
41 (40) |
Leaf blade leathery, obovate, elliptic-obovate, rhomboid-obovate, rhomboid, or oblong-elliptic, 7-18 × 5-7 cm. |
20 M. macclurei |
+ |
Leaf blade thinly leathery, rhomboid-elliptic, 6-13 × 3-5 cm. |
21 M. mediocris |