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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 17 | Verbenaceae | Caryopteris

3. Caryopteris forrestii Diels, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 5: 296. 1912.

灰毛莸 hui mao you

Subshrubs, aromatic. Branchlets terete, grayish brown tomentose when young, glabrescent. Petiole 2-10 mm; leaf blade narrowly elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, 0.5-6 X 0.2-2.5 cm, thickly papery, abaxially densely gray tomentose, adaxially green and pubescent, base cuneate, apex obtuse. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, dense corymbose cymes; peduncle densely gray tomentose. Calyx campanulate, 2-4 mm, outside gray tomentose; lobes 5, lanceolate. Corolla greenish white to greenish yellow, ca. 5 mm, tube ca. 2 mm, lower lobe dentate to nearly fringed, both surfaces puberulent especially outside, villous at insertion of filaments. Stamens and style exserted. Ovary pubescent, apically glandular. Fruiting calyx 5-7 mm. Fruit ca. 2 mm in diam., hirsute, apical part glandular, nutlets winged, oblong-oblanceolate, ca. 3 mm, glabrous or with short spreading hairs near tip.

* 1700-4000 m. Guizhou, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan

1 Lower corolla lobe dentate; leaf blade 2-6 X 0.5-2.5 cm   3a var. forrestii
+ Lower corolla lobe nearly fringed; leaf blade 0.5-2 X 0.2-0.5 cm   3b var. minor

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