Herbs perennial, to more than 30 cm tall, not drying black. Roots fusiform, fleshy. Stems branched at base, central stem ± erect, outer stems procumbent to ascending, densely pubescent. Basal leaves few, withering early. Proximal stem leaves opposite or in whorls of 3, other ones in 4's; petiole to 2 cm, villous; leaf blade linear-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 1.5--3 cm X 6--10 mm, glabrescent on both surfaces, pinnatipartite; segments 6--8 pairs, widely spaced, linear, pinnatifid, serrulate. Inflorescences spicate, to 11 cm, flowers in whorls of 4--6, interrupted basally; proximal bracts longer than flowers, distal ones shorter than flowers, ciliate. Calyx 9--10 mm, membranous, slightly cleft anteriorly, pubescent along veins; lobes 5, unequal, serrate and ± entire. Corolla yellow, ca. 1.5 cm; tube slightly bent apically, ca. 1 cm, slender; galea slightly bent apically, indistinctly serrate; beak bent downward, ca. 3 mm; lower lip ca. 4 X 6.5 mm, glabrous. Filaments glabrous. Fl. Jun--Jul, fr. Aug.
* Alpine shrubby grasslands; 3500--4100 m. N Gansu, NE Qinghai.