11. Callicarpa hypoleucophylla Wei Fang Lin & Jen Li Wang, Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin., n.s. 8: 185. 1967.
里白杜虹花 li bai du hong hua
Shrubs 2-3 m tall. Branchlets terete, stellate tomentose. Petiole ca. 1 cm; leaf blade lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, 10-15 X 2-3.5 cm, abaxially whitish felted tomentose, adaxially stellate pubescent but subglabrescent, base cuneate to narrowly cuneate, margin finely serrate, apex acuminate to caudate, veins 9-12 pairs. Cymes ca. 2 cm; peduncle ca. 2 cm. Calyx ca. 10 X 8 mm, slightly 4-dentate to subtruncate, outside with stellate hairs. Corolla white, campanulate, ca. 1.5 cm; lobes 4, apically rounded. Stamens 4, long exserted. Fruit white or pale purplish, globose, ca. 2 mm in diam.
* Mixed forests on mountain slopes; 1000-1200 m. Taiwan
Specimens of this species have not been seen by the authors.
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