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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 4 | Fagaceae | Castanopsis

41. Castanopsis rufotomentosa Hu, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol., n.s. 1: 223. 1948[1949].

红壳锥 hong qiao zhui

Trees 18-25 m tall; 1st-year branchlets, petioles, and leaf blades abaxially covered with early glabrescent, dark reddish brown, small, lamellate, waxy scalelike trichomes. Petiole 2-8 mm; leaf blade narrowly lanceolate to oblong, 10-20 × 2-4 cm, leathery, base acute to rounded, margin entire or rarely with a few shallow teeth from middle to apex, apex narrow and obtuse; midvein and secondary veins adaxially impressed; secondary veins 14-18 on each side of midvein. Infructescences 8-15 cm; rachis covered with mealy, waxy scalelike trichomes. Cupule globose, 1.2-2.2 cm in diam., outside and bracts covered with early glabrescent, dark reddish brown, small, lamellate, waxy scalelike trichomes, wall ca. 1 mm thick and exterior visible through bracts; bracts spinelike, 3-6 mm, free or several with base connate into bundles. Nut 1 per cupule, oblate-globose to subglobose, ca. 1 cm in diam., glabrous, apex pointed; scar basal, ca. 9 mm in diam. Fr. Nov-Dec.

* Broad-leaved evergreen forests; circa 1300 m. SE Yunnan (Xichou Xian)


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