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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 4 | Fagaceae | Quercus

32. Quercus marlipoensis Hu & W. C. Cheng in Hu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 142. 1951.

麻栗坡栎 ma li po li

Trees to 18 m tall, evergreen. Branchlets ca. 4 mm in diam., yellowish brown tomentose, glabrescent, lenticellate, lenticels brownish, oblong, convex. Petiole 1.5-3 cm, thinly tomentose; leaf blade narrowly elliptic to obovate, 15-22 × 6-11 cm, leathery, abaxially stellate tomentose along midvein, base rounded, margin with scattered teeth or entire and slightly inflexed, apex shortly acuminate; midvein adaxially impressed; secondary veins 16-20 on each side of midvein; tertiary veins abaxially conspicuous. Cupule cupular, ca. 0.8 × 1.4 cm, inside grayish brown tomentose, wall ca. 2 mm thick; bracts ovate, crowded, purple-red tomentose except for apex.

* Mixed evergreen forests; circa 1100 m. Yunnan (Malipo Xian)

Very close to Quercus engleriana as expressed in its southern range in Guangxi and SE Yunnan. The only difference is that Q. marlipoensis has larger leaves that are sometimes obovate.


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