Herbs annual, 12-20 cm tall, densely glandular throughout, apices of sepals and lobes of young leaves sparsely pubescent with simple trichomes to 1 mm, glabrous elsewhere. Stems several from base, decumbent, unbranched. Basal leaves rosulate; petiole 0.5-2.5 cm, not ciliate, expanded at base; leaf blade linear to linear-lanceolate in outline, 1-5 cm × 1-10 mm, densely glandular, base attenuate, margin pinnatisect or sinuate-dentate, apex acute; lateral lobes deltate, acute, smaller than terminal lobe. Cauline leaves few, similar to basal ones but with fewer lobes. Racemes elongated considerably in fruit. Fruiting pedicels 1.5-3 mm, glandular, ascending to suberect, subappressed. Sepals yellowish, ovate, 2-3 × ca. 1 mm, glandular, margin membranous. Petals yellow, oblanceolate, 3-4 × 0.7-1 mm, rounded at apex; claw 2-2.5 mm. Filaments 2-3 mm; anthers oblong, 0.5-0.9 mm. Fruit linear-cylindric, 1.2-1.5 cm × 1.5-2 mm, corky, strongly torulose, with 5-8 constrictions on each side, glandular; style 2-4 mm. Seeds brown, oblong, ca. 1.4 × 1 mm. Fl. and fr. Jun-Jul.
* Rocky slopes; 4000-4200 m. SW Xinjiang (Taxkorgan Tajik Zizhixian).