Description from
Flora of China
Buglossoides I. M. Johnston.
Herbs annual or perennial, short strigose. Leaves alternate. Cymes terminal or flowers solitary, bracteate. Calyx 5-parted nearly to base, slightly enlarged in fruit. Corolla white, yellow, or violet, actinomorphic, funnelform or salverform; throat with appendages or bands of hairs, or longitudinally crispate; limb usually campanulate, 5-parted; lobes spreading. Stamens included; filament very short; anthers oblong-linear, apex obtuse, mucronulate. Style filiform, not exserted; stigma entire or indistinctly 2-cleft, capitate. Gynobase flat. Nutlets white or gray, ovoid, smooth, shiny or tuberculate; attachment scar at base adaxially.
The genus is here treated in the broad sense. Species 3 and 4 are frequently placed in Buglossoides.
About 50 species: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America; five species in China.