Description from
Flora of China
Perennials, forming dense tussocks, old basal sheaths persistent. Leaf blades filiform to setaceous, convolute, abaxial surface smooth or scabrid, adaxial surface prominently ribbed. Inflorescence usually a contracted panicle, enclosed in uppermost leaf sheath or shortly exserted, spikelets few. Spikelets with one floret, bisexual; glumes subequal, hyaline or membranous, much longer than floret, 3–5-veined, long acuminate; callus pungent, shortly bearded; lemma narrowly lanceolate, terete, usually leathery, (3–)5-veined, hairy, margins overlapping, apex entire; awn articulated at lemma apex and deciduous at maturity, scabrid to plumose, 1–2-geniculate, column tightly twisted, bristle straight, flexuous or curling; palea subequaling lemma, hyaline, enclosed within lemma. Lodicules 2 or 3, lanceolate. Stamens 3, anthers glabrous or shortly hairy at apex. Stigmas 2.
About 100 species: temperate and warm-temperate regions of Asia and Europe, in dry, open habitats; 23 species (three endemic) in China.