9. Syrrhopodon japonicus (Besch.) Broth., Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2. 10:233. 1924; Calymperes japonicum Besch., J. Bot. (Morot) 12: 296. 1898.
Syrrhopodon lonchophyllus Dix., Hong Kong Naturalist, Suppl. 2: 8. 1933. Type. China: Hong Kong, New Territories, Ma on Shan (Mt.), 6th Apr. 1931, Herklotts 371 (holotype BM).
Plants robust, wiry, 3–4 cm high, green to brownish green, in dense springy cushions. Stems elongate, rhizoids brown. Leaves curled-secund to nearly straight when dry, straight when wet, long-linear-acuminate above broader base, 5–10 mm long, axillary hairs inconspicuous; cells of upper laminae obscure, isodiametric to rectangular, smooth or occasionally with low remote papillae abaxially, bulging to mammillose-papillose adaxially; margins of upper laminae thickened and toothed in two rows, teeth paired, margins of lower laminae irregularly toothed at shoulders, the teeth sometimes sharp and spreading as in S. gardneri; cancellinae mostly ending in broad angles distally, their distal cells merging gradually with adjacent green cells of upper laminae. Gemmae frequent but inconspicuous, adaxial on tip of costa. Sporophytes not seen.
Type. Japan: Nagasaki, Faurie 15454 (isotype H).
Chinese specimens examined: FUJIAN: Wuyi Shan (Mt.), D.-K. Li & C.-H. Gao 9223 (IBSC, LAF, SHM). GUANGDONG: Dai-bu Co., X.-W. Wang s.n. (IBSC, LAF); Shi-xing Co., P.-J. Lin et al. 4896, 4907 (IBSC, LAF); Xin-feng Co., C. Zhang et al. 12, 13 (IBSC, LAF); Zhao-qing Co., P.-J. Lin & Z.-H. Li 148 (IBSC, LAF, SYS). GUANGXI: Jin-xiu Co., Ye 12 (IBSC, LAF); Long-sheng Co., P.-C. Wu & Y.-X. Lin 155 (IBSC, LAF, PE); Rong-shui Co., M.-Z. Wang 45970 (MO, PE). HAINAN: Chang-jiang Co., Reese et al. 17609 (IBSC, LAF, MO); Qiong-zhong Co., P.-J. Lin et al. 106 (IBSC, LAF, SYS). HONG KONG: Da-Mo Shan (Mt.), P.-J. Lin et al. 336 (IBSC); Mt. Kadoori, P.-J. Lin et al. 42 (IBSC). HUNAN: Yi-zhang Co., Guo et al. 999 (IBSC, IFP, LAF). JIANGXI: Yi-feng Co., S.-L. Chen 51 (IBSC, LAF). SICHUAN: Omei Shan (Mt.), P.-J. Lin 3624 (IBSC, LAF). TAIWAN: Hsueh Shan (Mt.), Iwatsuki et al. 1214 (LAF, NICH, TENN), Iwatsuki et al. 1263 p.p. (IBSC, LAF, NICH, TENN); Ilan Co., C.-C. Chuang 6070 (UBC); Tai-pei Co., C.-C. Chuang & Schofield 241 (UBC); Tai-tung Co., C.-C. Chuang 5125 (UBC). YUNNAN: Lu-shui Co., J.-X. Luo et M.-Z. Wang 82196c (IBSC, PE). ZHEJIANG: Long-chen Co., P.-C. Wu 10 (IBSC, LAF, PE).
Habitat: common and often abundant on tree trunks and bases, decaying logs, rock, and soil in forests at moderate to high elevations at 520–2300 m; Distribution: China, Korea, Japan, India, Malaysia, and western Oceania.
Plants of S. japonicus may closely resemble those of S. gardneri at first glance, and the two species are often confused in identification. The two species may occur together in the same habitat and share the same substrate, as in Iwatsuki et al. 1263, cited above, in which both species occur. They differ consistently as noted in the discussion for S. gardneri. Syrrhopodon japonicus has previously been reported from China as Syrrhopodon konoi Card., a synonym.
Illustrations: Reese & P.-J. Lin 1991 (figs. 64–68).