Alcea Linn., Sp.Pl. 687. 1753. Gen.Pl.ed.5.307.1754; Boiss Fl.Or.1:826. 1867; Zohary in Bull-Res. Counc. Israel, 11D4: 210.1963.
Biennial to perennial herbs. Leaves petiolate, entire to parted, usually densely stellate hairy. Flowers axillary, solitary or on terminal branches in pseudo-raceme, pedicellate; epicalyx segments usually 6-9, basally connate. Calyx 5.lobed. Corolla large, more than 3 cm long. Staminal column 5 angled, glabrous; anthers usually yellowish. Mericarps 18-40, incompletely 2-celled by false septum, lower cell 1-seeded, upper cell without seed, dorsally grooved, often winged. Seeds reniform.
A genus with about 60 species chiefly of E. Mediterranean region. It is represented by 3 species in Pakistan.
Lower Taxa
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