Alopecurus Linn., Sp. Pl. 1:60. 1753. Gen. Pl.,ed. 5, 30. 1754; Boiss., Fl. Or. 5:485. 1884; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 7:237. 1896; Bor, Fl. Assam 5:150. 1940; Sultan & Stewart, Grasses W. Pak. 2:309. 1959; Bor, Grasses Burma Ceyl. Ind. Pak. 392. 1960; Bor in Towns., Guest & Al-Rawi, Fl. Iraq 9:287. 1968; Bor in Rech.f., Fl. Iran. 70:275. 1970; Tzvelev, Poaceae URSS 369. 1976; Clarke in Tutin et al., Fl. Eur. 5:241. 1980.
Annuals or perennials. Leaf-blades flat, linear. Panicle spike-like, ovoid, oblong or cylindrical. Spikelets firmly laterally compressed, falling entire from the cupuliform tips of the short pedicels; rhachilla not prolonged. Glumes subequal, often connate below the middle, 3-nerved, usually ciliate on the keels; lemma hyaline, truncate or ± acute, 3-nerved, awned from the back or rarely awnless, the margins often connate below; palea usually absent.
A genus of about 50 species in temperate regions; 5 species occur in Pakistan.
The presence of A. geniculatus Linn., reported by Hooker and Sultan Ahmad, cannot be confirmed.
1 |
Glumes glabrous or minutely pubescent, winged on the keel |
(2) |
+ |
Glumes ciliate on the keel and nerves, the keel not winged |
(3) |
2 (1) |
Lemma awned, the awn exceeding the glume tips by 4-8 mm; anthers 3-4 mm long |
Alopecurus myosuroides |
+ |
Lemma awnless or the awn a short stump near the base of the lemma; anthers c.0.6 mm long |
Alopecurus nepalensis |
3 (1) |
Glumes sharply acute to shortly aristate, covered with dense white hairs up to 3 mm long |
Alopecurus himalaicus |
+ |
Glumes acute or obtuse, not aristate, ciliate on the nerves and keel with hairs up to 2 mm long |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Glumes obtuse; spikelets 1.5-3 mm long; awn very shortly exceeding the glume tips |
Alopecurus aequalis |
+ |
Glumes acute, divergent at the tips; spikelets 4-6 mm long; awn included or exceeding the glume tips by up to 5 mm |
Alopecurus arundinaceus |
Lower Taxa
Related Synonym(s):
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