3. Artocarpus J.R. & G. Forst., Char. Gen. Pl. 101. t. 51. 1776. (nom. Cons.); Beath. & Hook., Gen. Pl. 3: 376.1880; Hook.f., Fl. Bid. Ind. 5:539. 1888; Hutch., Gen. Fl. Pl. 2:168. 1967; Corner in Dass. & Fosb., Rev. Handb. Fl. Ceylon. 3:215.1981.
Unarmed, monoecious evergreen trees with milky, sticky thick latex. Leaves petiolate, alternate, large, simple, entire or pinnatifid, rarely pinnate compound; stipules lateral, amplexicaule, deciduous leaving annular scars. Male inflorescence a pseudocatkin, pedunculate, solitary or paired in leaf axils, globose, oblong or club-shaped, smooth. Male flowers: calyx 24-lobed or partite, lobes imbricate; stamen single, filament erect, anther included or exerted; pistillode absent. Female inflorescence cauliflorous, stout peduncled, solitary axillary, globose or oblong, prickly, scaly, warty or chequered. Female flowers: calyx tubular, basally thin, sunken in the inflorescence axis, 34-toothed and thick round the style, enlarged in fruit; ovary with an obscure central or t lateral style, stigma spathulate or ± peltate, occasionally 2-341d. Fruit a fleshy, small to gigantic, smooth, prickly, scaly, warted or chequered swap with fleshy alyx. Seeds medium to large.
A genus of c. 47 species, distributed in India, Ceylon, S.E. Asia. and Solomon Isles. Represented by 2 cultivated species in our area.