Lespedeza Mich., Fl.Bor.Am. 2:70.t.39. 1803. Baker in Hook. f,Fl. Brit.Ind.2:142.1876, pro parte; Parker, For.Fl.Punj. 3rd.ed.144.1956 pro parte; Ali in Biologia 12:37.1966.
Shrubs or undershrubs, branches pubescent. Leaf pinnately trifoliolate or unifoliolate, leaflets entire, stipules free. Inflorescence raceme, panicle or flowers fasciculate. Bract small, 2 bracteoles at the tip of the pedicel. Calyx teeth subequal or 2 upper teeth connate. Keel straight, obtuse or truncate. Stamens diadelphous, 9+1, anthers uniform. Ovary unifoliolate. Fruit ovate or orbicular, compressed, indehiscent.
A genus with about 40 species, distributed in Temperate North America, East and Tropical Asia and Tropical Australia. In Pakistan it is represented by 5 species.