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Pakistan | Family List | Oleaceae

Osmanthus Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 28. 1790. C.B. Clarke in Hook. f., l.c. 606.

Shrubs or trees, evergreen, glabrous. Leaves opposite, entire or serrate. Flowers axillary and terminal, in fascicles or in very short racemes. Calyx 4-toothed. Corolla lobes 4, elliptic, obtuse, imbricate. Stamens 2, subsessile. Style short or cylindric, 2-lobed or subentire. Drupe ovoid or globose. Seed pendulous, usually solitary.

Species about 35, from NW. Himalaya through China to Japan; Polynesia, south eastern N. America.

At one time united with Olea which differs chiefly in its valvate corolla lobes.

Lower Taxon


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