6. Pseudostellaria Pax in Engl. & Pranti, Nat. Pflanzenf. ed. 2, 16. c. 318. 1934. Ohwi, Jap. J. Bot. 9(1): 95. 1937; Chater in Tutin et al., Fl. Eur. 1:136. 1964; Schaeftlein in Hegi, Illustr. Fl. Mittleur, ed. 2, 3(2), 6:875. 1969.
Perennial, with oval or fusiform tubers. Flowers chasmogamous and cleistogamous, the former terminal or in the axils of upper leaves, the latter in the axils of lower leaves. Calyx 5(-4), basally united. Petals 5(-4), absent in cleistogamous flowers. Stamens 10, 2 in cleistogamous flowers). Styles 2-3, filiform (in cleistogamous flowers styles 2, short and united). Ovary 1-locular, dehiscing by 4 valves. Seeds globose-reniform, tuberculate.
A small genus of 15 species distributed in Central Asia, from Afghanistan to Japan. The European species do not have the cleistogamous apetalous flowers of Asiatic ones.
In our material, the herbarium sheets examined show seed formation only to cleistogamous flowers. The cleistogamous flowers are very likely sterile and propagation is by tubers as well. Experimental work is required to know the reproductive behaviour of the species. Represented in Pakistan by a single species.
Lower Taxa
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