Setcreasea K. Schum. & Sydow in just. Bot. Jahresb. 27(1): 452. 1901. Bruck. in Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenfam. ed.2. 15a: 168. 1930; Faruqi, Celarier & Mehra in Rhodora 64: 68.1962.
Neotreleasea RoseTreleasea Rose
Differs from Zebrina Schnizl. by its unstriped leaves, corolla connate at the base, without a conspicuous tube.
A small genus of c. 8 species, natives of C. America and Southern U.S., widely cultivated as ornamentals in warmer climates; represented here by 3 or 4 species cultivated in our gardens. Most of the species are self-fertile and interspecific hybrids are produced easily (Faruqi et al, l.c.). Vegetative propagation takes place easily and abundantly. Pigment variation in leaves and increase in the density of hairs have also been noticed by placing the plants in a room avoiding direct sunlight.
Lower Taxa
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