26. Velezia L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1. 332. 1753. Gen. Pl. 447. 1754; Boiss., Fl. Or. 1:478. 1868: Gorskhkova in Kom. Fl. URSS. 6:869. 1936; A.O. Chater in Tutin et al. Fl. Eur. 1: 204. 1964; Coode in Davis, Fl. Turk. 2:135. 1967.
Annual rigid herbs. Stems dichotomously branched. Leaves linear. Flowers solitary or in a cymose inflorescence. Epicalyx absent. Calyx narrowly tubular, 5-7-toothed, 5-15-nerved, without scarious spaces between the nerves. Commissural veins absent. Petals 5, with a long claw and a short 2-4-lobed limb. Stamens usually 10. Styles 2. Coronal scales absent. Capsule cylindrical, dehiscing by teeth. Carpophore absent. Seeds acute, with a facial hilum.
A small genus of about 6 species extending from the Mediterranean region Afghanistan and N.W. Pakistan. Represented in Pakistan by a single species.
Lower Taxon
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