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Pakistan | Family List | Moraceae | Ficus

4. Ficus semicordata Buch-Ham. ex J.D. Smith in Rees, Cycl. 14. n. 71. 1810. Corner in Gard. Bull. Singapore 17(3): 397. 1960; Ibid, 21(1): 62. 1965; Bailey et al., Hort.3rd. 479. 1976.

Vern.: Kandrol; Joharphali, Khenan.


  • Ficus conglomerata Roxb.
  • Ficus cunia Buch: Ham. ex Roxb.

    A small to medium sized, upto 15 m tall, irregularly corwned usually. evergreen tree. Trunk up to 2 m in circumference, without aerial roots. Bark dark-grey, young twigs beset with white or pale-brownish short hairs. Leaves with (6-) 10-15 mm long petiole; lamina variable, mostly elliptic to oblongs lanceolate, 10-30 (-35) cm long, 5-10 cm broad, base highly unequal-sided with a 3.4-nerved rounded large lower lobe overlapping the petiole, margin entire or coarsely serrate. apex acuminate, slightly scabrid on both sides or hairy beneath; midrib often pink below with 9-15 pairs of bulging prominent lateral nerves, intercostals distinct, connecting the lateral nerves; stipules linear-lanceolate 18-26 mm long, brownish-hairy. Hypanthodia on 5-8 mm long peduncles, borne in pairs or clusters on long usually leafless, scaly branches borne from the trunk or main leafless branches, globose or ± pyriform, 10-12 mm in diameter, green subtended by 3, broadly triangular-ovate, brown basal bract, apical orifice closed by 5, pink-brown bracts. Male flowers: sessile, ostiolar; sepsis 3; stamen single with ovate anther. Female flowers: subsessile, dispersed among gall flowers sepals 4, basally united, lobes lanceolate; ovary ovoid, style long, lateral, bifid. Figs globose to pear-shaped, 12-20 mm in diameter, pink or dull reddish brown with white spots, hairy, maturing at ground level.

    Fl. & Fr. Per.: March-October.

    Lectotype: Smith Herbarium Sheet No. 1610.27 (LINN).

    Distribution: Subhimalayan tracts from Pakistan (Rawalpindi, Kashmir) eastwards to Malaya through India, Bhutan and Burma.

    Stewart (l.c.) has, also, reported this species from C-7 Rawalpindi Mirpur and Jammu and states it to be common East of the Ravi.

    The fruits often ripen underground (geocarpic) and are eaten. It serves as fodder and bark yields strong fibre. The root juice is said to be given in bladder diseases.


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