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Pakistan | Family List | Gentianaceae | Swertia

8. Swertia angustifolia Ham. ex D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nep. 127. 1825. Stewart, l.c., 177, Shah in Sc. Khyber, 5:199. 1992.

J. Shah

Islamia College, Peshawar, Pakistan

  • Ophelia affinis Wight & Arn.
  • Ophelia elegans Wight
  • Ophelia florida G. Don
  • Ophelia porrigens G. Don
  • Ophelia pratensis Edgew.
  • Ophelia pulchella D. Don
  • Ophelia vacillans Hance
  • Ophelia vacillans* Maxim.
  • Swertia affinis (Wight & Arn.) C.B. Clarke
  • Swertia angustifolia var. florida Burkill
  • Swertia angustifolia var. hamiltoniana Burkill
  • Swertia angustifolia var. pulchella Burkill
  • Swertia angustifolia var. wallichiana Burkill
  • Swertia dielsiana Hosseus
  • Swertia esquarolii Leveille
  • Swertia exacoides Burkill
  • Swertia kachinensis Lace
  • Swertia lacei Craib
  • Swertia paupera Burkill
  • Swertia pulchella Clarke

    Annual. Stem 8-80 cm, branched or unbranched, quadrangular, winged or not. Leaves 2-7 x 0.4-3 cm, linear to narrowly ovate, acute or obtuse, 1-3(-5)-nerved. Inflorescence paniculate. Calx lobes 2-15 x 1-3 mm, narrowly ovate to oblong-ovate, acute, ± free. Corolla bluish white to greenish with green or light purple veins or dots, tube 0.5-1 mm, lobes 5-10 x 2-4 mm, ovate to oblong, acute or obtuse. Gland watch-pocket shaped, with short compound fimbriae. Filament 5-7 mm, anthers oblong, obtuse. Ovary 6-7 mm, style stout, short, stigma sub-orbicular. Capsule 6-9 mm. Seeds polyhedral, warted. 2n = 26.

    Fl. and Fr. Per.: Jun. - Nov.

    Type: Nepal, Narainhetty, 13 Sep. 1802, Hamilton, (holo. K!, iso. BM!, LINN!).

    A-7 Gilgit, Naltar village, 3.9.1990, Jehandar Shah 2551 (ICP), Naltar to Nomal, 24.7.1954, R.R. Stewart 26512 (RAW), B-7 Kashmir: 2 km from Palandri on way to Trarkhel 17.9.1987, Tahir Ali, M. Qaiser & M. Ajmal Khan, 243 (KUH), 25 km from Kotli on way to Palandri, common in shady places, + 4500 ft.. 16.9.1987, ibid. 221 (KUH), Kohala hills, below Murree, 16.9.1931, R.R. Stewart 12386a (RAW), Chenari, Jhelum valley Road, 15.9.1931, R.R. Stewart 12930 (RAW), Dara Sher Khan, Poonch, Aug., 27, 1986, Abdul Rashid (KUH), Kala Maula, Poonch 20.8.56, Jan Mohd, 94 (KUH, RAW), Bangram, Poonch near Bagh, 16.9.52, Rashid Khan s.n. (RAW), C-7 Rawalpindi, Karor, 19.10.1967, Y. Nasir & Z. Ali 7875 (RAW), ibid, 29.8.1986, Y. Nasir & Hanif 11989 (RAW), Punjar Rest House, 15.9.1986, Y. Nasir, R. Akhter & Hanif 12189 (RAW).

    Distribution: Pakistan, India, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, China.


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