2. Cordia myxa L., Sp. Pl. 190. 1753. Wight, Icon. 2: t. 169.1841; DC., Prodr. 9:479.1845; Brandis, For. Fl. C. W. & C. Ind. 366.1874 exclud. syn.; Cooke, Fl. Bomb. Pres. Reprint edit. 2, 2:265.1967.
Vernacula: ‘lasura’.
Cornus obliqua Willd.Cornus obliqua var. tomentosa (Wall.) Kazmi
A deciduous tree 3-5 m tall. Young shoots and branches with a rusty pubescence, glabrate at length. Leaves 6-12.5 x 43-8.2 cm, suborbicular. elliptic-ovate to oblong-ovate, 3-nerved, acute or obtuse, subentire to sinuate-crenate or dentate, glabrous to dense tomentose on under surface, base cuneate to rounded. Petiole 2.5-43 cm long. Flowers not seen. Drupe 20 mm long, ovoid, apiculate, brownish-yellow, base partly surrounded by the enlarged, ± broadly cupular calyx.
Fl. Per.: March-April.
Type: Habitat in Aegypto, Malabaria, Hb. Linn. 253.1 (LINN).
Distribution: Pakistan, India Sri-Lanka.
Cultivated and sometimes found as an escape. The pulpy drupe is edible. The bark, leaves and fruit have medicinal properties, are used variously as diuretic, demulcent and in stomacht aches.
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