4. Lappula microcarpa (Ledeb). Gurke in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. iv. 3a:. 107. 1894. Brand, Pflanzenr. iv. 252 (Heft 97):142.1931, excl. syn. E. rigidum DC. (ex Persia); Riedl in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 48:74.1967; Kazmi, l.c. 504.
Echinospermum microcarpum Ledeb.
An erect annual to 50 cm. Stems simple or branched. Stem and branches appressed hairy with hairs less than 1 mm long, intermixed with subappressed longer hairs arising from a tuberculate base. Basal leaves linear-oblong, 20-30 x 2-3.5 mm, covered on both surfaces with suberect hairs up to 2 mm long; cauline leaves smaller. Inflorescence elongating in fruit. Pedicels in fruit stout, c. 2-2.5 mm long, hairy. Calyx lobes c. 2 mm long. Corolla blue; tube 2-3 mm long. Nutlets, c. 2 mm long, margin of wing with appendages uniseriate and up to 0.7 mm long, not or barely dilated towards base bearing anchor-like spinules. Dorsal and ventral surface tuberculate. Style slender, exceeding the nutlets.
Fl. Per.: May.
Type: Habitat in lapidosis montium Arkaul, versus cacumen, in montibus ad rivulum Urmuchaika prope Buchtarminsk, Ledebour s.n. (?LE).
Distribution: Soviet C. Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir.
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