Allium oreoprasum Schrenk in Bull.Sc.Acad.St.Petersb. 10:354. 1842. Hook.f., F1.Brit.Ind.6:344.1892; Vvedensky in Kom., Fl. URSS. 4:163. 1935.
Bulbs tufted, cylindrical, light brown, reticulate fibrous. Leaves 3-5, narrowly linear, not fistular. Scapes 20-40 cm long. Umbels few flowered. Pedicels c. 2 cm long. Tepals pink, 5-7 mm long, oblong to lanceolate with a recurved mucro. Filaments shorter than the tepals, connate at the base, entire, outer linear, narrow, inner broadly flattened, oblong.
Fl.Per.: August-September.
Type: “Lectum ad montium fauces Kuhlasu (Turkestan)”.
Distribution: Turkestan, W.Tibet, and Pakistan.
This species has been collected only in the Baltistan area in Pakistan.
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