Citrus limon (Linn.) Burm. f., Fl. Ind. 173. 1768. Tanaka, l.c.; J. Maheshwari, Fl. Delhi, 95.1963 ; Stewart, l.c.
Vern.: Jatti khatti, gulgul, jhambheri.
Citrus limonum RissoCitrus medica subsp. limonia Hook. f. ex Engl.Citrus medica var. limon Linn.
Spinous shrub or tree, 3-6 m tall. Leaves 6.5-100 mm, elliptic to ovate, serrulate, acute to acuminate. Leaf perfectly jointed to the petiole. Petiole narrowly winged. Flowers bisexual or male. Petals white, tinged purple. Stamens 20-30; Fruit oblong or rounded mamillate, yellow when ripe; pulp abundant and strongly acid.
Fr. Per. Aug.-Nov.
Type: Probably described from Western Himalayas.
The lemon is native to the foothills of the Himalayas, and is cultivated in the plains of Punjab, Sind and Baluchistan. Used as a rootstock for oranges and grapefruit. Also commonly used for pickles.
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