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Pakistan | Family List | Fumariaceae | Corydalis

Corydalis govaniana Wall., Tent. Fl. Nep. 55. 1826. Royle, l.c. t. 15, fig. 2; Hook. f., l.c. 124; Collett, l.c. 25; Blatter, l.c. 32, t. 9, fig. 3; Fedde in Engl. & Prantl, l.c. 131; R. R. Stewart, l.c. 280.

Corydalis govaniana var. swatensis

Credit: Azmat

  • Corydalis swatensis Kitam.

    Erect, ± tufted, perennial herbs, 15-60 (-70) cm tall, usually simple, somewhat glaucous, glabrous, often with radical leaves as long as the stem and 0-2, ± opposite cauline leaves down below the stem; rootstock thickened, covered with withered sheathing bases of leaves, often a few twisted together, slender, elongated. Radical leaves few to many, twice pinnate, nearly as long as the stem, with petiole as long or longer than lamina; pinnae shortly petioluled, very variable in size and segmentation, 1-4 (-6) cm long, ovate-oblong to suborbicular, 3-5 pinnuled; pinnules shortly stalked to subsessile or sessile, deeply dissected and variously cut into narrow ultimate segments (lobules); lobules ovate-oblong, (5-) 10-15 (-20) mm long, (1-) 2-5 mm broad, apex obtuse, subobtuse to sub-rounded, minutely mucronate. Cauline leaves usually 2, opposite or subopposite, down below the middle of the stem, smaller, like the radical leaves to very much reduced, simply dentate to almost entire and lanceoloate. Racemes 10-25 (-40)-flowered, generally simple, often dense, 5-10 cm long, increasing upto 15 cm in fruit; bracts much dissected to entire, very variable, 10-30 (-50) mm long, (3-) 5-15 (-20) mm broad, the upper ones usually subentire or entire. Flowers yellow, 20-25 mm long, including spur about half as long, subobtuse, straight to somewhat down-curved. Sepals minute, c 1. mm in diam., whitish, conspicuously denticulate. Outer petals (upper and lower both) dorsally winged, lower sub-saccate at base. Pedicel (5-) 10-15 mm long in fruit deflexed. Capsule 10-15 mm long, 3-4 mm broad, oblong, somewhat narrowed towards the base and subrounded to sub-obtuse at the apex, usually 6-8 seeded; style 2.5-3 (-4) mm long, curved at the apex with broad stigma; seeds biseriate, 1.5-2 mm in diam., shining black.

    A very variable species in its leaf size and segmentation, but flower size with prominent dorsal wings of the outer petals and fruit shape and size remain constant. However, 2 varieties, in addition to the type one, can be distinguished under it as follows:

    1 Cauline leaves and bracts pinnatisect (upper bracts dissected to entire); plants subglaucous   (2)
    + Cauline leaves and bracts dentate to entire; plants glaucous   Corydalis govaniana var. swatensis
    2 (1) Plants usually 30-60 cm tall with inflorescence slightly exceeding the radical leaves; racemes oblong with lower bracts usually pinnatisect   Corydalis govaniana var. govaniana
    + Plants usually 10-15 cm tall, sub-succulent with inflorescence not exceeding the radical leaves and somewhat horizontally expanded; lower bracts dissected to subentire   Corydalis govaniana var. malukiana

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