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Pakistan | Family List | Boraginaceae | Myosotis

6. Myosotis sylvatica Ehrh. ex Hoffm., Deutschl. Fl. 1:61. 1791. DC., Prodr. 10:107.1846; exclud. vars.; Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:237.1875; M. Popov in Schischkin, Fl. URSS. 19:373; Riedl in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 48:258.1967.


Perennial up to 30 cm tall. Stem erect, simple, sometimes with few branches, sparsely to densely vinous. Basal leaves elliptic-oblong to oblanceolate, 30-50 x 15-30 mm. Cauline leaves oblanceolate, sometimes lanceolate-obtuse, apiculate, uppermost ones similar but smaller and sessile. Inflorescence in flower short and crowded, in fruit loose and elongated, with fruiting calyx up to 16 mm apart. Fruiting pedicel exceeding calyx length. Calyx ½ to ¾th partite into lanceolate lobes, covered with spreading hairs, those on the lower connate part uncinate, base gradually (not abruptly) tapering, in fruit wide open. Corolla limb 5-7 mm broad; blue or bluish-purple. Nutlets c. 1.5 mm, oblong, upper half keeled vent-rally, acutish at tip with a narrow margin all around, blackish-brown, smooth and shiny.

Fl. Per.: June-August.

Type: ‘In silvaticis umbrosis’, F. Ehrhart 31 (?).

Distribution: N. Africa, Europe, Turkey, USSR, Pakistan, Kashmir eastward to Bhutan.

A widespread and polymorphic species which according to Vestergren (Stroh in Arkiv. Bot. 29A(8): 1-39.1938) comprises several subspecies throughout its geographical range. Vestergren (in nota, l.c. 6) was of the view that the plants from the Himalayas were fairly distinct and represented a separate race, “Myosotis himalaica. ined.” More material of Myosotis sylvatica from the Himalayas is required for further studies, involving pollen morphology to verify this. Our plants come closest to subsp. rivularis Vestergren (found N. & NW. Iran) and are tentatively treated under this subhead. According to M. Popov (l.c. 373) typical Myosotis sylvatica is a forest plant with broader leaves and thin ± creeping rhizome.


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