6. Cordia sebestena L., Sp. Pl. 190. 1753. L.H. Bailey, Stand. Cycl. Hart. 2: 842.1929.
Small shrub or tree up to 8 m tall. Branchlets minutely pubescent on nerves, hairy. Leaves ovate, 8-16 x 4.5-10 cm, entire, coriaceous, undersurface minutely pubescent on nerves. Flowers 2-5 cm long, in terminal cymes, orange-red. Calyx 12-15 mm long. Corolla crinkly, lobes crenulate. Fruit c. 2.4 cm long, ovoid, whitish.
Fl. Per.: mostly throughout the year.
Type: Described from ‘America Calidiore’.
The ‘geiger tree’ is a native of the W. Indies, S. W. USA. and Venezuela. Sparingly cultivated for its attractive cymes of large showy flowers. The fruit is edible.
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