Erysimum remotiflorum O.E. Schulz
Perennial, shrubby, often woody at base, 10-40 (-60) cm long, densely hoary with bipartite appressed hairs; branches erect or subspreading. Leaves oblong-linear, very variable in size, 10-40 (-65) mm long, 1-5 mm broad (rarely longer and broader), sessile, entire, strigose. Racemes 5-20-flowered, lax, ebracteate, up to 30 cm long in fruit. Flowers c. 3 mm across, orange-coloured to whitish; pedicels 46 mm long in fruit, ascending, not thickened. Sepals 3.5-4 mm long, 1 mm broad. Petals slightly longer than sepals. Stamens c. 3:4 mm long; anthers c. 1 mm long. Siliquae 10-20 (-25) mm long, (2.5-) 3-4 mm broad, compressed, usually slightly narrowed towards both the ends; valves often slightly torulose; style 1.5 (-2.5) mm long, thin, tapering into a short, sub-bilobed stigma; seeds uniseriate, about 3 mm in diam. (incl. c 1 mm wide wing).
Fl. Per.: March-September.
Type: India, Western banks of Jamuna, from Delhi to Agra Royle (LIV).
Distribution: Endemic to the desert area of India and Pakistan.
A very variable species, erect to prostrate, with thick woody roots (shrubby) to slender thin roots (looking like annuals). A good example of this habit is clearly exhibited by S. Abedin & Abrar Husain’s 6302, 6303, 6404, 6305 and 6306 (KUH). Year old plants have an annual looking habit, while after 2-3 or more years develop thick woody roots. Those with annual looking habit may be sometimes confused with the following species, but the sparsely fruiting branches with usually fruits a little longer and generally narrowed at either ends, are distinctive.
Some of the specimens approach very near to F. linearis Decne. (see note under the species excluded).