Morina coulteriana Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mount. 245. 1835. C.B. Clarke l.c.; Collett, l.c.
Morina brevifolia Edge.
Plants up to 75 cm tall. Stem striate, pubescent to glabrous, often villous at the nodes. Leaves sessile, margin spinose; radical leaves 7-18 cm long, 0.5-l.2 cm broad, the cauline ones smaller. Involucral bracts several, leafy, ovate-acuminate. Involucel funnel shaped, 8-9 mm long, villous, limb spinose. Calyx lobes acute, often spine tipped or with a short mucro. Corolla tube l.5-2.5 cm long, slender, pubescent, lobes obtuse. Filament about half as long as the corolla lobes. Achene 5 mm long, dirty white, grooved towards the outside, apex obliquely acute.
Fl.Per.: June July.
Type locality: Kunawar.
Distribution: Himalayas from Kashmir to Garhwal, Tibet, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The plant is common on steep banks in the sub-alpine and alpine zones of the Himalayas from 2400-4200 m. Flowers usually bright yellow.
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