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Pakistan | Family List | Alliaceae | Allium

Allium umbilicatum Boiss., Diagn. P1. Or. Nov. ser. 2. 4: 113. 1859. Wendelbo in Biol.Skr.Dan.Vid.Selsk.10,3:183.1958; in Rech.f.,F1.Iran. 76:35.1971.

Allium umbilicatum

Credit: M.Y. Saleem

  • Allium aitchisonii* Regel

    Plants 30-40 cm tall. Bulbs ovoid, outer coats brownish, fibrous, inner membranous; bulbils usually many, 5-15 mm long, coats white. Leaves 3-4, semicylindrical, fistular, 1-2 mm broad; leaf bases and the lower parts of the old leaves papillate on the veins. Umbels hemispherical, dense flowered, usually with bulbils. Pedicels c. 1 cm long. Tepals pinkish, lanceolate, 6-8 mm long, acute. Filaments 1/3 to 1/2 the length of the tepals, entire, c. 1/4 of the filaments connate at the base, upper 3/4 of the filaments free; inner filaments broader, ovate. Capsules subglobose. Style short; stigma capitate.

    Fl.Per.: May.

    Type: Baluchistan, Stocks 1006(K).

    Distribution: Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan.

    A common species in Baluchistan. It resembles Allium griffithiannm Boiss. but can be distinguished by the non gibbous tepals and bulbiferous umbels.


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