Hibiscus micranthus Linn. f., Suppl. 308. 1781. Mast. in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 1:335. 1874; Cooke, Fl. Bomb. Pres. 1:113. 1958 (reprint. ed); Parker, For. Fl. Punj. ed. 3.40. 1956; Stewart in Nasir & Ali, l.c. 479.
A shrub, sparsely to profusely branched. Branches and leaves scabrous to bristly hairy. Leaves subsessile to long petiolate; blade 0.5-5 cm long, elliptic, ovate or ovate-rhomboid, scabrous to bristly or sparsely hairy on both sides; stipules 3-10 mm long, filiform. Flowers axillary, solitary; pedicel 0.3.4 cm long, with or without joint. Epicalyx segments, 6-8, 2-4 mm long, filiform, stiff. Calyx ± 5 mm long, 5 lobed; lobes lanceolate or triangular. Corolla 1-1.5 cm across, white or pink; petals 5, reflexed, stellate hairy outside. Stamina] tube very short, up to 5 mm long. Capsule globose, 7-9 mm across. Seeds reniform, cottony.
Distribution: Tropical Africa, South Africa, Arabia, India, Pakistan, Burma and Sri Lanka.