5. Cordia macleodii (Griff.) Hook. f. & Thoms. in J. Iron. Soc. Bot. 2:128. 1858. C.B. Clarke in Hook f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4:139.1883; Brandis, For. Fl. 337. t. 41; Ind. Trees, 479; Parker, For. Fl. Punj. 357. 1918; Kazmi, l.c. 143.
Hemigymnia macleodii Griff.
A polygamous tree, 6-12 m tall. Young shoots and branchlets brownish-white tomentose. Leaves 6-18 x 5-16 cm, broadly cordate-ovate to oblong-ovate, obtuse, margin subentire, ± undulate, nerves usually 3, impressed above, prominent on undersurface. Undersurface of a light colour, tomentose with brownish-yellow hairs. Petiole 2-3.5 cm long. Flowers laterally disposed in particulate cymes, white with yellow throat. Calyx 8 mm long, ribbed, tomentose, 6-lobed, accrescent fruit. Corolla lobes ligulate-obtuse. Filaments exserted, base hairy. Drupe up to 22 mm long, ovoid, acute, basal portion surrounded by the ± cupular calyx.
Fl. Per.: March-April.
Type: In the vicinity of Jubbulpore woods, in association with Tectona, Hb. Griff. (K).
Distribution: Pakistan and India.
Cultivated at Sialkot, but not common.
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