Anoplocaryum brandisii Brand in Repert. Sp: Nov. 22:100. 1925. Kazmi, l.c.
Annual or perennial with many stems. Basal leaves (including petiole) 14-20x 3-4 mm, lanceolate, obtuse, sparsely hairy on both surfaces. Pedicels fruit 10-12 mm long, deflexed. Fruiting calyx c. 2.5 mm long. Corolla ± rotate. Throat scales crescent-like. Style slender, distinct from the gynobase. Nutlets c. 2 mm long, ovoid.
Syntypes: (India Chamba: Sach-Pangi, Brandis 3166 (DD); Lahul, Brandis 3236 (DD); Haelle (?), Brands 3996 (DD).
Distribution: Northern dry areas of Pakistan, eastwards to Lahul.
I have not seen any specimens from our area. Reportedly collected from Gilgit by Duthie (fide Kazmi, l.c.). Apparently uncommon.
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