Gentiana carnata var. intermedia Clarke
Annual, erect, 3-6 cm high, glabrous, branched herb. Stem with 2-many, branches from base or from middle. Basal rosulate leaves wanting, lower leaves shorter than upper leaves, 0.7-1.2 x 0.15-0.3 cm, lanceolate-oblanceolate, acuminate-cuspidate, apex mostly reflexed, margin cartilaginous, apparently entire, but very slightly toothed, univeined and carinate dorsally. Upper leaves slightly longer, slightly curved, 1-1.5 x 0.2-0.4 cm, broadly linear-lanceolate, acuminate-cuspidate, margin cartilaginous, apparently entire, but very slightly dentate. Inflorescence loosely arranged terminal fascicles, facicles of 1-5 (-6) flowers. Flowers tubular, 1-2.0(-2.5) cm long, pedicellate, enveloped by two upper leaves, leaves reflexed or some times wrinkled. Calyx 5-lobed, 0.7-13 cm long, dark green, 0.3-0.7 x 0.05-0.15 cm, lanceolate-acuminate, acumen reflexed or curved, margins hyaline, middle portion green and running down to middle of calyx. Corolla blue, tubular-campanulate, 1-2 cm long, 0.7-1.5 cm long, lobes 0.2-05 x 0.1-0.2 cm, deep blue, lanceolate, entire, acute, plicae smaller than corolla lobes, 0.1-0.3 x 0.05-0.15 cm, lanceolate, acute, crenate. Stamens 5, inserted, filaments running down to the base of corolla tube but adnate at middle or below, anthers dorsifixed, 2-lobed. Ovary 0.6-1.0 x 0.1-0.15 cm, oblanceolate, stipitate, style distinct, bilobed, stigma papillose, coiled and distinct. Capsule not seen.
Type: Kashmir, Falconer (K!).
A-7 Chitral: Sang-o-Sir, 10000-12000 ft., Giles 607 (K), B-8 Kashmir. above Kainmul, Lidder valley, 11-12000 ft., Duthie 13136 (0), id., 25696 (K), mt. Mahadeo, ± 11000 ft., 8/9, 6.1922, R.R. Stewart 7139 (K), Tragbol, 11400 ft., 20.7.1876, Clarke 29278 (K), id., 10200 ft., 19.7.1876, lbid. 29238 (K), Tilail, 12500 ft., 28.8.1876, Clarke 30808 (K), Pahlgam, 10-13000 ft., 13/14, 7.1925, R.R. Stewart 7819 (K), Sonamarg, 10500 ft., 7.8.1928, R.R. Stewart 12917 (K), id., 12000 ft., 1.8.1928, R.R. Stewart 9826 b (K), Between Gurais and Gangabal, 10000 ft., 2.7.1919, R.R. Stewart 4329 1/2 (K), Sonamarg, Shokh Dhasan, 3000 m, 22.7.1987, Townsend 87/165 (K), Bala Koh, Naubag, Falconer s.n., p.p (K), Sonamarg, 5.8.1921, R.R. Stewart, 6583 (K), Zojibal, 15.8.1940, Pinfold 126 A (BM), Kashmir, 6.8 .1971, Pike 5(BM), Mohanmarg, Sind valley, 7-10000 ft., 7.6.1940, Ludlow & Sherriff 8126 (BM, E), Baltistan: Satpura to Deosai, ± 13000 ft., E. Nasir & Webster 6360 (RAW), Between Rama and Rama lakes, ± 12000, 30.8.1988, Omer & Qaiser 2383 (KUH).
Distribution: Pakistan (Chitral, Gilgit, Baltistan and Kashmir).
Closely allied to Gentianodes eumarginata Omer, var. harrissii (Omer et al.) and var. scabromarginata Omer. It differs from these varities on the basis of h aving lanceolate corolla lobes and plicae, wh ereas corolla lobes and plicae are ovate-obovate in the other two taxa.
The type specimen at K! is a mixture of Gentianodes intermedia (Clarke) Omer et al. and Qaisera carinata (D.Don) Omer. Two specimens of Qaisera carinata (D.Don) Omer are mounted on the type specimen, but the rest of the specimens belong to Gentianodes internedia (Clarke) Omer et al.