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Rosa x alba group

Jerzy Zieliński

Herbarium, Institute of Dendrology, PL-62-035, Kórnik (near Poznań), Poland.

Erect, deciduous shrubs. Leaves deciduous, leaflets 5-7, pale green or greyish-green, hairy beneath, usually simply serrate. Inflorescences usually few-flowered. Flowers usually double, rarely simple, white or pink. Sepals with lateral lobes, reflexed after anthesis, deciduous Pedicels coverd with stalked glands. Styles free, densely hairy, disntinctly protruding, free, orifice rather broad, surrounded by a thickened ring-l ike disc. Fruit often undeveloped or with partly developed anchenes.

1 Flowers white, rarely pale pink. Fruit usually smooth. Prickles distinctly curved, compressed, usually uniform.   14 Rosa X alba
+ Flowers pink. Fruit usually covered with stalked glands. Prickles usually subulate and mixed with stalked glands and setae.   15 Rosa x damascena

Lower Taxa


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