Intricately branched shrub, 30-45 cm high, branches and leaves densely sericeous, greyish-green. Branches spinescent and ending in spines. Leaves sessile, 5-15 x 2-3 mm, oblanceolate, attenuate, apex sub-acute, often plicate. Flowers axillary or terminal, solitary or in cymes. Pedicel c. 6 mm long, densely white pilose, hairs patent. Bracts linear oblong, bracteoles small, linear. Outer sepals 9-10 mm long, long white-sericeous hairy, hairs spreading, ovate-lanceolate, abruptly acuminate, basally convex, inner 7-8 mm long, long acuminate, both halves membranous. Corolla pink, 17-21 mm long, sericeous hairy bands outside, tube glabrous. Stamens unequal, longest c.7mm long. Ovary subglobose, hairy, style c. 7 mm long, slender, hairy, stigma 3 mm long, filiform. Capsule ovoid, 6 x 4 mm, hairy at the top. Seeds 3 mm long, brown, densely puberulous.
Fl. Per.: March, April.
Type: Iran, near Shiraz, Kotschy, 352 (Lecto.: G-Boiss.).
C-5 S. Waziristan, Sarwekai Fernandez 4458 (? BLAT).
An Iranian species, of desert habit, found at 1000-2100 m, on stony slopes of hills and mountains.
Resembles Convolvulus spinosus in habit and facies, but can be distinguished by its inflorescence and sericeous, long-acuminate sepals.