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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae


1 Anthers dimorphic, alternately small and sterile (climbing herbs; leaf pinnately trifoliolate; vexillary filament connate with the others into a sheath; fruit uncinate)   Teramnus
+ Anthers more or less uniform, all fertile   (2)
2 (1) Style bearded inside, flowers resupinate   Clitoria
+ Style glabrous   (3)
3 (2) Style filiform but dilated above the middle; calyx mouth obliquely truncate with obsolete teeth, (fruit torulose between the seeds)   Dumasia
+ Style not dilated; calyx mouth more or less regularly lobed or 2 lipped   (4)
4 (3) Erect herbs or subshrubs (seeds with a scale-like papery caruncle; bracts and bracteoles more or less membranous and caducous)   Glycine
+ Climbing slender herbs (upper 2 calyx-teeth completely united giving a 4-toothed calyx; fruit septate between the seeds   Shuteria

Lower Taxa


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