Echinops L.
Large stout perennial herbs with white tomentum. Leaves alternate, pinnatifid or pinnatilobed, margins spiny. Heads 1-flowered, sessile, densely congested in compound involucrate globose balls. Involucral bracts of many imbricate series, rigid, pungent, sometimes spinescent, the outer shorter, needle-like, the inner spatulate, awned, the innermost linear or lanceolate, short-awned. Receptacles minute; florets all fertile. Corolla tubular, white or blue, tube slender, limb deeply 5-lobed. Stamens with glabrous filaments. Style with thick branches and a thick basal ring, spreading. Achenes elongate, densely villous. Pappus a crown of many short scale-like or connate bristles.
About 120 species distributed Eurasia, north and east Africa; one in Taiwan.
Lower Taxon
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